School Roof

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The school bell rang, waking me up from me sleep. "Children! Time for lunch!" My teacher said. I rubbed my eyes and got in line with my bento. "What did you bring for lunch (F/n)?" My friend asked me. "Food..." I opened my box and showed her. Her eyes gleamed and took the box from my hands. "Can I have this?" She asked. "..I don't care.." She smiled and said Thank you. When my class made it to the cafeteria, I didn't feel like sitting with people so I just went up the school stairs to the roof and sat watching the birds fight over a piece of bread.

I scoffed and looked out to the city. I sighed, then heard foot steps. My head turned quickly to see a kid about the same age as me, with black hair and grey eyes. He looked sad and had a lunch with him. "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't disturbed you, did I?" He said. " fine.." I said looking back to the birds. He bowed and sat a few feet away from me. "Don't you have a lunch?" He asked. "My friend is storing it in her stomach..."

"Oh.." He replied. "Do you sit up here alot?" He asked another question. "Yeah.." I had an expression of hate, sadness, and loneliness that I guess he could read. "What's wrong? What's your name?" He asked again. "You like to ask questions.." I said. He sighed and looked away. "(F/n)..that's my name..." I told him. "And nothing is wrong.." I said throwing him off the subject.

I saw him nod in the corner of my eye. "My name is Kaneki." He said handing me half of his sandwich. "Why are you giving me food?" I asked. "You need to eat! I don't want you to get sick." He said with a tiny blush. I just stared at him and took the half sandwich. "Thanks." A few minutes later, the school bell rang again and I sighed getting up. "Well, see you later." I said and went downstairs.

After school ended, I got my bento back from my friend and headed "home". Both of my parents died and it was my fault. "Damn the doctor!" I said puking up the half sandwich. "He had to turn me into a monster.." I growled. There was an dark small crack between to apartment buildings. I slipped through and sat with my knees to m chest. "Damn it....I'm sorry didn't mean to..I was just so hungry.." I cried for hours. Eventually, some one heard me and threw a rock at me tell me to shut up.

I just cried quietly this time. Another woman past me and saw me crying. "Are you okay? What is a child doing out here?" She had the most nicest face I have ever seen.

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