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"Hey, are you tripping?" Sasaki just randomly said out of the blue. "...wat...." "cuz I'm falling for you!" He grinned big. I just started at him. "That pun made no sense.." I just flat out told him. "Oh..." He stopped grinning and looked at the ground to think of another one. "This may sound Bananas but I find you Appealing!" He tried again. "Well, isn't that why you asked me to marry you?"

Sasaki gave me a long look and tried again. "How do you feel when there's no more coffee?" He smirked this time. "Hungr--..." "Depresso!" He laughed at his own pun this time. "No....stop..I love you..but stop......" He held his head low the perked right up. "I will never stop making puns..you know that right?" Sasaki winked. "Sadly..." I joked. He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up with ease. "Why do I have to be small..." I sighed. "Your size is perfect for me~" he said kissing my lips. "Still..I feel like other people think I'm your kid...." I blushed. "But your not. Your only one year younger than me."

Sasaki said still holding me. "I know but other people don't know that. " I said as he finally placed me down. "Well, I don't care what other people think. I love you and that's all that matters. " He kissed me once again and went into the kitchen to take care of the food I didn't finish. After he was done, I snuck behind hi, before he turned around. "(F/n)?" He asked noticing I wasn't in the living room any more. Before he took a step, I quickly jumped onto his back making him trip and fall. "..ow....." He muttered when he landed. "Tiny people are dangerous!" I winked sticking my tongue out. I got of his back and let him sit up. "Aw..you have a red mark.." I said seeing his forehead turn red. I move his hair out of the way and kissed his forehead. "Aw. Will you carry me to bed now?" He joked and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"If by carry, you mean drag you up the stairs for about two hours, sure." Sasaki scratched the back of his head. "Uh, never mind..I can walk." We both got up and he started to go up the stairs while I shut all the lights off in the house. I made my way up the stairs and to our room. Sasaki was already in bed reading a book. "Still reading that book?" I asked. "Yeah, you got me into it!" He smiled. "Your welcome." I said closing the door behind me. I turned the light off so he would stop reading and rest but he had a tiny light with him. I sighed and took it out of his hands. "Sleep. It's 2 in the morning." I demanded. "B-but...book" he said in a childish voice. "Sleep." I said and took his book also. "Don't worry, I saved your page." He just sighed. "Fine.." I stood above him with his legs between mine. "Are you okay? Do you need something? " Sasaki asked. I held my arms out and fell forward landing on his front. "Nope!" Sasaki let out a gasp and just laid there. "..you dead?" I asked poking his cheek. "Yep.....I'm just...fine..." he breathed. "Okay! Goodnight!"

The next morning, I woke up still on Sasaki's chest. I kissed his skin and got up to get a shower. Before I could get to the door, I was pulled back into bed when he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hold. "Sasaki?" "N-....few more minutes..." he said sleepily. "Hehe..alright."

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