How cold have I become..?

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"Hehe~~You want to kill me right?~ do it." Eto laughed. "You can't use your's best if you leave this to me." Kaneki said. "I can do fine on my own. She's right, I do want to kill you. " I said standing up now. "Aw~ is doggie going to play now?~ " She teased. "I'm not your dog. So shut up already!" I replied. Kaneki grabbed my hand and stepped in front of me. "How do you intend to fight if you can't use your Kagune?" He asked. I stayed quite and just stared at her. "You already know, that I was the one who made you into this monster." Eto said. "Yes..." I nodded my head. "But, you were a monster way before I ever found you~" She had that damn smile again. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The look on your father's face when you made that hole in his chest~ hehe!~" my eyes widen. "B-but... how? How could you possibly know that?" I was confused. "Or, how about your mothers, hmm~ Her's was the best expression you've ever seen, right?~" I placed my hands over my ears and closed my eyes. "No! You can't know that! How do you know that?!" I started to panic a bit. Kaneki hid my face in his chest and placed his hands over mine.

"Don't listen to her, (F/n)." Kaneki said. "'Mommy, Daddy? I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to kill you out of cold blood.' " she mocked me. "No, I didn't kill them because I wanted to..." I started to cry. " 'I was hungry so I killed you for my selfish reasons~' " "S-Shut up...your wrong!" "Am i? Or are you just a heartless killer that will one day kill the man she loves." Kaneki narrowed his eyes at Eto. "Or, I can do it right now if you want~ How beautiful he will look covered in his own blood~ Hehe!" She had a piece of her kagune ready at his vidal areas. "STOP!!!" My screams were muffled by Kaneki's chest. All of my Kagunes broke from my back and swung at Eto. "(F/n),no!" Kaneki said. He could see my shoulders bruises again "(F/n),listen. Your going to harm your self even more if you do--..."he looked I to my eyes to see them dark and foggy. "She's unconscious. But her Kagune is still fighting." My forehead landed against his chest. My kagune thrashed around, aiming at Eto. She dogged them a few times and realized I wasn't controlling them. "She knocked her self out so she wouldn't feel pain. Heheh..that's smart~" Eto aimed her kagune into the middle of my back where my kagune was based. From my torso to my head was flung back. I was now facing the roof of the building we were in. My eyes teared up and my mouth gaped open to let out a horrible screech of pain. Kaneki stared at me in shock for a second.

I soon pulled my self over him and took a bite out of his shoulder. I could feel his body tense up. I swallowed his flesh and faced him again. My mask slowly formed, covering my face. Kaneki shook his head slightly and said no. I stood up and faced Eto. She laughed and showed her true self. I blocked all of her attacks with my Kagune. I started to walk towards her now. "How are you doging?! {待轉轉} (I used the voice text and this pooped up so...enjoy that) she tried to hit me away with her arm,but before she could, I cut her hand off with my rinkaku. "Damn you!" She started to move away from me as she grew it back. "Not so tough now that you've woke the real me huh?" I mocked her ad used my wings to fly up to her eye. "Shinimasu...." I stabbed my rinkaku, bikaku and kakaku in her eye. She screeched and I moved away from her and she seemed to dissappear. My kagune was now gone when I was on the ground again. Kaneki came to my side. "Are you okay?" Kaneki asked. I stayed quite and my eyes widen quickly. Blood busted from my whole body. Some of it stained Kaneki's clothes. I fell to my knees...then down to the floor.
"... (F/N)!!!"

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