Frankenstein's Monster

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(I just wanted to do a quick shout out to @Babyangle6 and @KanaeRosewald for voting for some of my past stories and this one. It makes me happy to see you guys enjoy them. So Thank you so much to the both of you for supporting me :))

"Why are you holding me back?"Kaneki asked. "I'm not going to let her do this to you!" I continued to shake my head no and held on tighter. "Nnnn...." He stopped trying to get away and kneeled down again. "Fine..We're not staying here anymore." He kissed my forehead and picked me up in his arms. "For now..I'm going to put this over your head. Alright?" He grabbed my jacket and covered my head. It was all dark but sun light shined through the fabric. I could feel the wind hitting my skin as Kaneki ran in a direction. After an Hour or two, Kaneki seemed to stop running. I could tell it was in the afternoon, almost night now because it was darker. I heard a ringing of a bell and the creeking of a door. "Sorry, we're clo-- K-Kaneki?!" A familiar voice said. "Where's Yoshimura?" Kaneki asked. "He's out with Yomo. " The voice replied. "Is that.. (F/n)?" They asked. I could hear their foot steps come near me. "Yes..." Kaneki said. They grabbed the jacket and lifted it up a little. "(F/n)? How are you?" They asked. My face was hidden in Kaneki's shirt. "What's the matter?" They asked again.

Kaneki leaned down to my ear. "We need to show her so she can see how important this is." Kaneki whispered. I nodded and pulled the rest of my jacket off my head. I turned my face to see a blurred out Touka. "What happened?!"she asked staring at my stitches. "Eto." Kaneki said. "Mmhm...." I agreed. Touka pulled out her phone. "I'll call Yomo and tell him that he and Yoshimura need to come back quickly. " Touka said. "Yomo? Can you and the manager come back please. We need Yoshimura." She said "Alright, Thank you" she hung up the phone and placed it in her pocket. "They'll be here in a few minutes. " Touka said. Kaneki nodded and went up to wait in Yoshimura's office. After about 25min. Yoshimura and Yomo entered the room. "Kaneki-kun." Yoshimura seemed a bit surprised and looked down at me. "..Eto..." he muttered. "Can you help?" Kaneki asked. "Yes, I can get rid of the stitching but these are your usual thread so it will take a bit of force. I sat up on the couch and he took a pair of sisors and tried to cut it. The blades broke and the thread didn't even cut. "See. Kaneki-kun, we're going to need to use your Kagune. "Kaneki nodded and one of his Kagune came out of his back. "Hold the tip still and cut at the middle. Don't cut her on accident." Yoshimura said. Kaneki grabbed the tip of his Kagune and sat in front of my face. He slowly brought it to my mouth and cut the first string, then the next. Soon my mouth was free, I just had a few holes where the thread went through.

Kaneki moved to my eyes now and cut the thread, one by one, and pulled them out through their holes. I could finally see clearly now and talk. "Thank you, Yoshimura-san." I said looking over to him. He smiled at me and I smiled over to Kaneki and kissed him. "Thanks for not cutting me. " I joked. "It would never." He smiled back. My smile faded and I hung my head low. "What's wrong?" Kaneki asked. "You would never hurt me...but, I-I hurt you..." I clenched my hands into fists. "It's alright....that wasn't you." Kaneki said trying to comfort me. "I'm Frankenstein's monster.. I was made to be a killer..." I teared up. "(F/n)...." Kaneki said. I stood up and wiped my eyes. "Thank you for helping me. I'll be going now." I bowed to Yoshimura and left the room. Kaneki bowed too and ran after me. I was already about to leave the café when Kaneki came down the stairs. "(F/n), wait. Where are you going?" He asked. "Out." I smiled and left. He followed me but I seemed to leave him far behind me because I was walking so fast. I seemed to come to a hill with a bed of water at the bottom of it. Kaneki seemed to catch up. "Don't worry...I'm not going to jump...." I sighed. "I just wanted to look at my reflection in the water...How ugly." I chuckled. "Your not ugly." My smile turned into a frown and all four of my Kagune's formed out of my back. "You say this isn't ugly?" Kaneki did the same with his Kagune. "No. To me your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. " I blushed slightly. "Did you notice... my scars that night? " I asked. "Yes. It looked like you were torn apart and put back together with new parts-." "Just like Frankenstein's monster. I lose control and rage just with one drop of blood. You can't possibly love me " I looked down at the water. Kaneki grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. "Stop telling yourself these lies. I love you and I will stand beside you until the bitter end. I don't care if you stab me, beat me, tear me apart from limb to limb. I will never stop loving you. Understand? " Kaneki's voice was shaky so I asumed he was crying a little. "..yes.." I whispered.

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