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"(F/n)?" Sasaki called looking around the house for me. No response. "Where is she?" Sasaki asked him self and went out side to get the mail. When he opened the mail box, there was a video tape inside with a note that said 'play me' Sasaki got curious and played the tape. At first it was just static but then the news came on.

"The half Kakuja, seems to have escaped CCG. The total of its murder is great. 37 men, 17 women, 0 children in one day." Sasaki ' eyes widened when they showed a video clip of me slaughtering innocent people. "This homicide took place almost 12 hours ago. CCG investigators are on the search for the missing Kakuja as we speak-- " the news shut off on it's own and it went to static. "Wait...but she had a Kagune...How?" Sasaki asked still shocked at what he just saw. "Surprise! Did you find today's news interesting? " The screen went black and a male voice was heard. "Are you shocked that you new wife is a mindless killer?" A single light came on the screen. It showed me chained to a chair and in my black battle outfit. "Isn't she beautiful? Covered in her victims blood." "Damn it! What did you do!" Sasaki yelled. "remember, this is a recording and I can't hear you if you just yelled." The voice said. "Now if your wondering why she is doing this. I can tell you. She doing it for you. " Sasaki didn't know what he ment. "I drugged her so much that I would be surprised if she can remember her own name. " The voice laughed. "But why...why are you doing this for me?" "You took her from me...so I stole her back. She should have married me! Not you..." the voice sighed. " she will kill anyone I tell her too. And she will always listen if I tell her your if is in danger. (F/n). Why don't you wake up and tell Haise what you think?" The voice said in a deep tone. I opened my eye and looked at the camera in front of me.

Sasaki notice my eye was a kakugan. "What is this thing I have become? Another animal forced ... " Words slipped from my mouth. "...to fall, to crawl, to kill..anything and anyone." Sasaki didn't want to believe what I was saying. "All of these deeds I have done..all of the blood that I caused to run!" I began to cry and scream. "REMEMBER I DID THIS FOR YOU!!!" I screamed. Sasaki saw to people in white clothes come from behind me and inject a needle in my neck. "Free....me...." I muttered before blacking out.
"That's enough out of you. Now, what will you do, Haise? If you're still wondering how she was able to use a Kagune, I gave her one. She's able to absorb another's Kagune and use it. Isn't that fascinating? Heh..next video will be sent in 3 days."

The T.V. shut off and Sasaki clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He took the tape out and headed to :re. "Haise? Where's (f/n)?" Touka asked. "Can I talk to you up stairs? " Haise asked. Touka nodded and let him up stairs. "I need you to watch this. Some one took (F/n) and made her their puppet. " Touka watched the tape and couldn't believe her eyes. "That voice sounds familiar...but I don't know who." Touka said. "Are you really in danger?" She asked. "I have no idea. " Sasaki said angrily. "Well who ever this person is, they have some sort of feelings towards (F/n) it may be a yandere." Touka said handing the tape back. "Don't lose that..it may help get her back." Touka instructed. Sasaki nodded and went back home. "Damnit! What am I going to do..." Sasaki sat on the couch. "One minute we were happy..the next you killing everyone against your own will." Sasaki thought.
Can anyone guess who kidnapped
(F/n)-san? Comment who you think
It is. XP

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