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Kaneki woke up on the couch in the other room where Yoshimura stood at the dorm way. Kaneki placed his fingers in his mouth and say there was blood. "Touka-chan brought you back. Come with me." Kaneki followed him to Hide's room. "Hide..your okay..." Kaneki muttered. "Yes. He should be able to go back home soon." I said walking up behind him with my arms crossed. "(F/n), what's wrong? You seem angry at something." Kaneki asked me. He then noticed my band-aid on my cheek. "Your cheek...did I do that...?" He asked. I nodded and walked back to my room. "(F/n)! Wait..." He called out to me. "Best to leave her alone for now. " Yoshimura said. "What did you do to while I was asleep? " He asked. "We did what we had to." Yoshimura answered. Kaneki began to tear up. "I got so hungry I was going to die...then I attacked Hide. I didn't know what was going to happen then. And I hurt (f/n)..." Yoshimura put his hand on Kaneki's shoulder. "It's alright. Why don't I show you how to make a decent cup of coffee? So you need to know when you start working. " He asked Kaneki. "I've never made coffee before. Hehe.." He said closing Hide's door.

"Meet me in the staff kitchen when your dressed." Yoshimura said and walked off. Kaneki went to his room and opened his door. "Oh..I thought you were still talking to Yoshimura.." I said when he opened the door. "Yomo told me to give this to you so I was going to put it on your bed." I held up his work uniform. He walked closer and continued to look at my cheek. "It's fine. You only left a scratch, so don't worry." I said pulling it off. "See, it's gone now--.." Kaneki kissed me where the band-aid was. I blushed and he smiled moving away and picked up his clothes. "I'll get changed now." He smiled and went to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came out and saw me still standing there. "Why are you still there? Did you want to help me?" He chuckled. "Wha! You wish. Where's your tie?" I asked changing the subject. "Oh, I couldn't figure out how to put it on so I was going to get some help." He admitted. I sighed and helped him out. "That's how." I said. Kaneki smiled and he walked to the door and went upstairs. I went to my room and took a white ball and started bouncing it off the wall.

I sighed watching it finally just fall to the floor. "Onee-chan? are you okay? I heard something hit the wall a few times. " Hinami said. "Yes I'm fine. I was being bored..that's all." I smiled. "Okay Onee-chan! Oh..Onii-chan! " She smiled. "Hehe. Hello Hinami-chan. " Kaneki came in my view through the door way and smiled. He patted Hinami's head. "Hinami-chan, your mother is waiting for you downstairs." He told her. "Okay Onii-chan!" She went downstairs and kaneki closed my door behind him. He sat on my bed beside me. He kissed my cheek again. "Kaneki..." I blushed . He just smiled and laid his head down on my pillow beside my head. "I missed you when you left. I felt like dying.. " He said looking at me. "..I'm sorry. I was afraid to be honest. " I said. " You don't have to be afraid anymore. I understand what you went through. Trying to keep this from Hide is hard enough all ready. " I sat up. "Yeah...gn..!" I clawed at my back. "What is it?" Kaneki asked sitting up too."m-my kagune...I barely use it so it usually forces it's self out...Get out.." I said. "What? " Kaneki said looking at me. "I said get out!" I said a little bit angry. "He placed his on my shoulders. "(F/n), I said you don't have to be afraid anymore! I know what you--...." "I SAID GET OUT!!!" I yelled at him and rushed into my closet. "...... (F/n) why don't you trust me? " I heard him leave the room and a few tears formed. My original Kagune came out..and a new one came from my upper back. "E-ever since I ate that other ghouls Kagune...mine has been mutating......"

~Flashback ~

"Damn..I'm starving.." I said holding my stomach while walking down the street at night. "Hm?" A sent caught my nose. I followed it to find a ghoul eating a corpse. "Again with finding half eaten meals..." I sighed. "Oh well. I guess I just won't have human tonight." I said walking closer to the ghoul. "Move, bitch!" He snarled at me. "Shut up." My kagune wrapped around his neck and hit him against the wall. He pulled out his Kagune and tried to attack me. "Oh? I remember someone telling me that if a ghoul cannibalize another ghoul, they will gain their Kagune and become stronger than before. " I said betting him against the building again. I pinned him to the ground and bit the base of his Kagune. "You taste disgusting. But, I'm desperate enough to eat. " I continued to eat until he was nothing.

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