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"(F-f/n)...? He looked at me in disbelief. I looked away and went back upstairs. "(F/n)! W-wait..!" Kaneki called out. "I'll go get her.." Touka sighed and followed me. I went back in my room and slid down my door with my back against it covering my face. "Onee-chan...why are you crying? " Hinami-chan thought hugging me. "I....I saw him..and everything started hurting..." I muffled through my hands. "You should go tell him. Everything that happened..He needs you, you know that right?" Touka-chan said through the door. "I..I can't face him now.." I continued to cry. "Stop being sad all the time and go talk to him!"

She said pushing me away from the door then picking me up to my feet. "But.." "fine, I'll bring him to you. " She said and left. I sat on my bed with Hinami. "Do you want me to stay? " She asked. "..no..we need to talk alone, alright." "Okay, Onee-chan." She went to her own room and next thing I know, Kaneki opened the door. "(F/n)?" He said kinda sadly. I couldn't look at him so I just hid my face in my pillow. "(F/n), you don't have to keep hidding from me anymore. I'm....different now." I began to cry silently. "So you...aren't...." I muttered through my pillow. "I'm afraid not." I clenched my fits and looked at him with watery eyes. "Only if I killed her then, you wouldn't be like this! It's all my fa--..!?"

I was cut off by his sudden action. Kaneki rushed and wrapped his arms around me. "I've never seen you cry before..please stop" I was shocked. I was expecting him to yell at me for leaving.
"K-Kaneki.." I held on to his shirt and hid my face in his shoulder. He finally let me go and wiped away his own tears. "So, how did it happen? " I asked. "I asked Rize on a date. We had a good time, but when I walked her home..she bit my shoulder and messed up my insides. Before she could finish me off, heavy pieces of a building broke from there rope and crushed her to death. I was then rushed to the hospital and had her organs transfer into my body. Now....I can't get her out of my head." He said sitting beside me now. "I can't control my eye though. I don't know how I'll learn ether." I thought looking at a box on my bed side table. I reached over and opened it. "What's that?" I pulled a white eyepatch out if it and held it up to him. "Do you remember this?" I asked him. "Yes..you wore it every day before mom died. You sometimes wear it but not often. " He said. "Yeah, I could control my eye when I was little so your mom made an eyepatch for me. Some days I went out of control, so I would wear it again. " I put one of the strains around his ear and stretched it to the other side of his face covering his ghoul eye.

"See..wear this until you can control it." I said. About what I said three years ago..before you left, you didn't answer me." He said. "I thought you moved on..? Isn't that why you went out with Rize?" I asked. "I could never move on from you.." He had a slight blush appeared on his cheeks, I did too. "Do you?" He asked. "I would be lying if I said no.." I replied. He continued to look at me. "(F/n), tell me. Yes or no."

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