I'm tired of dreaming..

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Sasaki hissed at the pain in his chest as Touka helped bandage him up. "(F/n) is strong, she can find her way out...some how." Touka said finishing up and turning on the Tv.

-"Another report on the mass homicide. Around 10am this morning, the half Kakuja seemed to have gotten in a fight with another ghoul. Although, the Kakuja still won. After it deserted the fight, leaving the ghoul with wounds,the half Kakuja went on the other side of Tokyo city and kill far more than before. 43men, 25women, 15childern."-

Sasaki shut off the tv. "Touka...if you don't mind, I would like to be alone." Touka nodded and left his house. Sasaki sat in silence. Sasaki's phone went off and a message appered. -"meet me near the CCG building."- Sasaki closed his phone and headed outside. He noticed the sky was getting dark. "CCG...." Sasaki muttered and rushed towards the direction of CCG. -"go to the roof"- Sasaki read the next message. "Why the roof?" He used his Kagune to help him up the side of the building. When he got up there, I was waiting in the center. "(F/n)?" He carefully approached me, but before he could even get close, my body became weak and I collapsed. Sasaki's eyes widened when the building starred to shake a bit. "Hehe.. Haise~~" A huge hand grabbed on to the building and a Kakuja climbed up to the roof. "You..One-eyed owl..." Sasaki said staring at the creature before him. "Surprised? Hehe~~" she mocked him with her laugh. "But why? You said she should have married you!" Sasaki yelled to make sure she could hear him. "I did~ I wanted to be loved! That's why I sent the CCG after you two..but you were supposed to stay dead!" She grabbed Sasaki by the throat and slam him into the rubble on the roof of the building. "Why...why her?" Sasaki asked trying to get out of her grip. "Because, I created her. She tried to kill me so many times that I began to love her..I just wanted to be loved!!" Eto continued to smash him into the ground. "Come on, put up a fight! " Eto lifted him up high and dropped him on the side of the building. "I will be loved! I WILL BE LOVED!!!" 'That's all she wanted...to be with someone."

Sasaki thought until he felt a dark aura around behind him. Sasaki turned his head to see. "Your angry...but--" "Shut up!" Shiro started to choke him. "You were supposed to save me.." Shiro loosen his grip. "Your right....I'm sorry." Shiro let go of him and took a few steps back and changed aperence to the white child from before. Sasaki finally understood what Kaneki was trying to do.

"Did I want to die...?" "Yes. Definitely..that's why I..make sure this time...to do something that will allow you to be loved by everyone. " The child spoke. They were both in a room with checker board walls. "Your salvation was but sleep and sweet dreams." Sasaki thought which made the child smile. "A good thing, a bad thing, it doesn't matter." Sasaki sat near the smiling child. "And after that, you see I.... Wanted to die in style!" "Will that be your salvation?" Sasaki asked. "Yes. Can't you imagine it?" The child said looking him in the eyes now. "What do you mean?" Sasaki asked. "Some where along the way...I mistakenly began to once again desire." Sasaki clenched his fist. "You know what you need to do..if you want to save (F/n)..Shiro." Shiro was in front of Sasaki once again. "Haise...stop pretending...except me" Shiro whispered to him in a harsh tone.

"Your right. I'm tired of dreaming!" The walls and floor cracked and Sasaki fell through also did Shiro. "For no reason at all...I was overcome by profound sadness..and I remember those of a bloodline I once new.." "My dear lost one...forgive me for not saying goodbye." Sasaki closed his eyes as his skull bled. "Your parents..Failed in raising you!!" Eto said about to eat him, but something stopped her from doing so. "Shut..the Hell up! Sasaki's hair was now pure black.

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