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Sasaki didn't answer my question and it made me a bit mad. I sighed and pecked his cheek. "Tell me when your ready. " I said giving up on him. "Thank you..." he smiled softly. I nuzzle my face into his chest and held him tightly. "I'm tired.." I mentioned. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "I'll stay here until tonight." He said. I nodded and drifted back to sleep. Sasaki kept thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow. He knew he couldn't live with himself so he thought of a plan. Almost time for him to leave, I woke up alone. I just sat in my room thinking that he already left. A note was sliped through the window.

Dear, (F/n)
When the clock hits 1:00 A.M. head for the back door and run. This is how I'm going to keep you safe. It doesn't matter where you go, just run and make sure they don't find you.
P.S. You look adorable in my boxers ;)
-Haise Sasaki.

I stared at the note. A watch fell from the window too. It was currently 10:47P.M I sighed and waited for 1. I sat around still tying to understand what he was trying to say. "Run? But, I have no where to go.." I thought. A tiny alarm went off on the watch and I got up to the door. "Is it locked?" I said to myself. I pushed on the door and it opened. I smiled and ran to the back door Sasaki snuck me out of before. I didn't know where to go, so I headed to Kaneki's apartment. It was blocked off by boards and police tape. I broke in and saw everything was still where we left it. I headed up to our room and looked around. Kaneki's old blue Jacket was on the bed. I picked it up and put it on and hugged my self. "I miss you so much..." I muttered. I walked around the old, dusty home and saw the coffee stain on the kitchen floor. I smiled recalling those memories. I spent the night in that house, cleaning a bit and smiling at all of the memories. "I-I thought I would find you here.." a weak voice said walking in the room. "H-Haise...your hand..."I said looking at his empty sleeve. "Tsukiyama Shuu...I hesitated and he cut it off." I came up to him and smiled. "Sit down and I'll clean you up. " I said showing him to the couch. I grabbed a washcloth and cleaned the blood stains on his cheeks and I cleaned his arm. "The bleeding stopped so it should grow back soon. Sasaki nodded and kissed me. I smiled put my head on his shoulder. It was silent between the both of us. "So, I still don't understand why you told me to leave-...." I looked at his face and saw he was a sleep, I sighed and laid his head down on the couch.

Kuro and Shiro were sitting at a table with a cup of coffee (F/n) prepared. Kuro stared at Shiro and wondered why he wasn't moving at all. "He must be talking to Haise right now." Kuro said continued to drink his coffee. "Oh? But how did he get in? Haise set up his mind to where we couldn't talk to him." (F/n) said studying Shiro. "He must have let him in."

{Shiro's pov}
"Haise, am I scary?" Shiro asked. "...Yes...." Sasaki replied. "...why?" Shiro asked. "You ask why..?"

{Kuro's pov}
Shiro's body began to tremble. "That's never happened before....Somethings not right."

{Sasaki's pov}
Shiro seemed to fade away when Sasaki explained why he feared him. Instead, there was a small child with white hair crying in front of him. Sasaki got out of his chair and kneeled in front of the child. The kid grabbed his tie. "Don't erase me..." The child cried. "You were scared, too..understood " He hugged the child. "I'll protect you..." Sasaki thought that he could change his past and not see 'them' anymore.

{Kuro's pov}
Shiro dropped his cup on the floor and fell to the ground unconscious. "SHIRO!" Kuro and (F/n) got worried and quickly aided him. Kuro looked through the window near them and saw Sasaki hugging the child. Kuro gritted his teeth and picked up Shiro's body. "Let's put him in bed." (F/n) nodded and followed him. After the placed him in the bed, a small laugh came from the door that led into the room. " Hi! Big brother~~! Heheh!" "Be gone..your not welcome here." Kuro said to the child. "How rude, I'm no different than that 'thing' lying in bed." Both Kuro and (f/n) gave the child an evil glare. He flinched and turned away. "Haise..!" He cried out and left. "Go run back to your 'guardian'. Your the only one who can come and go as you please while we're stuck here." (F/n) muttered. "Haise, you can deceive your self all you want by changing how you see 'your past'. But... nothing is going to change. He's still the centipede you fear."

Sasaki woke up in shock and wiped the sweat from his forehead. I stood in front of him with a blank stare. "(F/n)? What's wrong?" He asked. I gave him a sad smile. "....Run...." I whispered. Sasaki was confused and noticed a red stain creep on my shirt where my heart was. His eyes widen and I fell to my knees blacking out. Behind me stood Amira and a few other Investigators. One of them shot me in my back.

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