Banana sweater

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Sasaki pushed a plastic bag through little window with a note tied to it later in the morning. I crawled out of the bed and picked it up.

For (F/n)-san,
In case you were hungry, I brought some from home for you. Enjoy:)
P.S. I will be visiting you later tonight. Be ready shhh! Don't tell any one;)
-Haise Sasaki

I read the note over and over. "What's with the winky face?" I asked my self. I looked in the bag and found about a pound of flesh inside. "He said he brought it from home right? Does that mean he really is a ghoul?" I shrugged my shoulders and started to "chow down" on the flesh. I didn't notice how bloody it really was until I noticed the floor covered in it. I sighed and hid the rest of the flesh. "Great..." I thought of what to do to cover it up so they wouldn't suspect that Sasaki smuggled me something to eat. I grabbed the bag that was attached to the pole filled with blood and bit the corner of it. Blood poured all over me and the floor. "Perfect.." I mumbled and opened the little window. "Excuse me, the bag on the thingy, what ever it's called, broke and blood is everywhere." A pair of eyes met mine. "Let me see." He said. I moved out of the was and showed him the flooded floor.

He sighed and called for someone to clean it up. "Come with me and don't try anything or I will use my Quinque." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah..." he locked me in another room and watched me until he gets told it was clean. Sasaki passed the window that showed into the room and did a double take looking at me. He asked to come in and the guy let him in. "What happened?" He asked. "The bag that held the blood broke." I gave him a slight wink which only looked like a blink since I only had one eye now. "So someone is cleaning it up. " Sasaki nodded. "Sassan! Hurry up!" Someone called for him. He got up from his chair. "I'm coming Shirazu!" He yelled back. He smiled and left.

The guy that was watching me was told that my cell was clean. He moved me back and gave me a new pair of clothing. I found my lump of meat and finished it off with out leaving and blood stains this time. I waited patiently for night fall, curious about what Sasaki was talking about in his note. A knock came from the door and it opened. Sasaki stood there smiling. "Finally. What time is it?" I asked. "About 1A.M." He replied. He had another bag with him. "What's that?" I asked pointing at it. "A sweater I want you to wear." Sasaki pulled out a white sweater with bananas on it. "What the fquk...." I said staring at it. He just put it over my head and helped me put my arms through the sleeves. "It looks quite a peeling on you!" I cringed at his horrible pun. "Don't...don't ever say that again...Anyways, why am I wearing this?" I said standing up. "It's cold outside. " Sasaki said grabbing my hand. "Outside? But I can't leave remember..." Sasaki just smiled and lead me out side the back door where no cameras were. He snuk me a few blocks away and to a big house. "Where are we?" I asked looking up at the huge house. "My home, well the Quinx home, but I sent everyone away for the night. There all at Urie's place." He chuckled to himself.

He showed me around the house and told me their was food in the fridge if I got hungry. "Why am I here?" I asked. Sasaki looked me in the eye and pulled me into a hug. "Because I can't spend another night away from you. " My cheeks burned hot red.

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