Reader vs. Past Kaneki/Past Reader

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"Argh! AHH!" I clenched my head. The pain was to much that it brought me to my knees. "(F/n)!" Kaneki said getting on his knees and held my head close to him. "What's going on?!...damn." Kaneki cursed him self. "Hehe~ this will trigger your anger and make you comply to me. Say, don't you think he's a little to close for comfort?~" My eyes widen and I backed away from Kaneki as far as I could. "N-no! Don't touch me!" I warned but he didn't listen. "I'm not going to leave you!" Kaneki yelled at me. "I've missed you..for so long...I don't want to lose you again..." Kaneki said pulling on my arm and hugging me tight. "Bad move!~" My eyes started again water when the voice spoke.

Before I knew, my mouth was agape against his chest. "Please....don't make me do this..!" I cried. "Too bad!~" Kaneki was confused and had pain from his chest, shot throughout his body. I bit down on his chest and ripped the flesh from his body. I pushed him away and stood over him. "(F-f/n)....? B-but why?!" Kaneki asked holding onto his wound. "Kill him." The voice muttered and I activated my kakugan and kagune. " it Eto!?" Kaneki asked. "Shut up!" I grabbed his throat and choked him on the floor. "(F-F/n)! Snap out of it!" He actually threw me off, but my kagune got his leg. "(F/n) is no longer in control." I spoke but the words were not mine..

-In reader's head-
" W-why am I here? How did I end up like this?" I asked my self, waking up on a cold floor of a pitch back room. I stood up and walked forward with my hands out so I wouldn't hit a wall.

"3....2....1! READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!"

a child's voice called out from far away. "Hm! I have to hide! Before he finds me!" A young girls voice was heard. I felt something hit the back of my leg and heard a thud. "Ow!" I turned around to! When I was 10-years -old. "Hey?! What's the big idea?!---!!!" The child, or I, seemed frightened. "Found you (F/n)! Your not very good at hiding" Another small child, Kaneki when he was 10, came running for the younger me. The both stared at me in fright. I went down on one knee and held my hand. "It's okay--" I was cut off. "Are you....a Ghoul?!" Kaneki asked. I pulled my hand back and stared at him. The younger me got up and grabbed young Kaneki's hand and started to run away.

I chased after them. "W-wait! I'm not going to hurt you! Please, I just want to ask you something!" I grabbed my younger self's hand and she stared at me terrified. "I won't hurt you...I promi-- what's happening?!" Her hand turned into dust, until her and Kaneki was just a huge pile on the floor. I backed up and tried to think about what just happened. A cold wind blew and took the dust with it. "Wait!" I called trying to catch the dust but failed. I walked around some more till I heard talking. "It's coming over there!" I said turning to the right and running.

"Kaneki! can't see me like this!" It was my voice from when I was 16. "B-but, (F/n)! Please..we can get through this together!" A teenage Kaneki said back. He was still human. I walked up, behind me and Kaneki yelped and backed up. "I-its you! You were the one chasing us 6 years ago!" The teen me screamed using her Kagune to attack me. I quickly blocked it and moved back. "Wait! You have this all wrong! Look at me (F/n)! I'm you!" She clicked her tongue and continued to attack. I had no choice but to use my Kagune against myself. "Oh? Then what happened to my eye?!" She asked. "I can't tell you that.." I said blocking her. "If your me what is your kagune different?!" "If can't tell you that either!" I went to far and hit her side..turning her into sand this time, the same for Kaneki.

"Damn! What's going on here?!" I walked around for hours, I think, till I heard screaming from kaneki. I ran for about 30 min, till I found him as a ghoul for the first time..being tortured. "Kaneki!" I screamed and ran to his side. "You?! G-get away!! Stop hurting (F/n)!!!" He screamed. I felt tears run down my face and walked back wards till I bumped into 18-year-old me. "I'm...sorry...." she cried. "About what?" I asked. "I didn't'm going to die right? Please forgive me.." she begged for forgiveness. Her eye started to bleed and fall out of its socket. Next, her chest down to her stomach was split open and guts poured out. I felt like puking but held her anyways. "Your okay, I promise!" I cried for myself. "Im....going to die..I won't be like this ever again.." she mumbled before turning to glass in my arms. I gently put her down..but no matter how gentle I did it, she shattered in my arms. The glass cut me and I winced. "Alright...what next?" I asked before getting slammed into something I couldn't see since it was dark. I looked up and saw kakuja me. "Shit...that right." I got up in pain and activated my Kagune. "I guess you won't listen to me huh? But, you'll listen to kaneki!" I grabbed my self by the throat and ran up the thing I hit to the room and stuck her to it. "I've been through this before..I know how to beat you!" I said. Shiro Kaneki walked in and saw me up with her, I looked back but his Kagune was already in my chest. "" I said falling. Kaneki fought me for a long time. "Kaneki! Stop this!" I said throwing him into a wall now.

"Why do you keep popping up into our lives?!" Kaneki asked. "you still don't understand....BECAUSE I'M HER DAMNIT!!!!!" I argued. Kaneki and the Kakuja turned into stone this time. There was a cell now in front of me. "Oh no..." I sighed opening the cell. "Hais--....wait...who are you? Your me??" Past me asked. "Y-yeah..." I said staring at myself. "I remember now..." she nodded. I didn't want to hurt you or Kaneki..." I said. She started to cry. "I know...shh.." I said hugging her. "Kaneki is gone!" She cried. I patted her head. " No.." I said. Haise happened to walk in just now. "Kaneki is right in front of you." I smiled. She looked at Haise. "But.." she stuttered. "Just trust me." Both Haise and past me smiled and soon Haise had the centipede mask on and I was bleeding from my chest. "W-why?" She asked. "(F/n)!" I called. "Why must I live like this?!" I started to tear up again. "It's going to be okay...sleep for now." I said covering her eyes and she disappeared.

I waited for the paradox me to appear, but only Eto did. "Hehe~ did you enjoy that?" She giggled. "You...YOU MAKE ME SICK!!" I screamed.

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