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It's been exactly a year since Kaneki and his mother let me live with them...and one year is all it took to change everything. Kaneki's face was drenched in tears as he stood over his mother's casket. I stood behind all their friends and family members under a tree.

"Ma'am?" I never called her mom, just Ma'am. I heard her call me to her room. "Is everything okay? Kaneki is still hanging out with Hide if your wondering." She was sitting at her work station exhausted and weak. She held her hand out to me. I hesitated before taking it. "Kaneki is a kind-hearted kid, and if he would to see if anyone he cared about cry, I'm afraid he would break down. Promise me to never cry in front of him..I don't think he would be able to handle it. " I nodded. "Yes ma'am.. but why are you telling me this? Your okay, right?" My voice became a little shaky. She just smiled. "I think I might have pushed my self a bit to far..." and with that........
I cried my eyes out until I couldn't cry anymore. With my ghoul strength, I placed her in her bed and stood quietly beside her. "..." I heard the front door open and I was scared for what was going to happen next. "Mama! I'm home! Mama-....Mama?" I hid my face with my hair. "(F/n)..what's wrong with mom?" "M-ma'am is...."

~End flashback~
They lowered her in the grave and soon everyone went home except for Kaneki. "Kaneki?" It started to rain and nether of us had an umbrella. "Kaneki we should go home now." I said almost placing my hand on his shoulder but then pulled it back. "...yeah......." He got up and walked home without looking at me. We made it home and kaneki still didn't talk to me. "I know..I'll make him those snacks he likes so much!" I said when he disappeared into his room. I made a plate and knocked on his door. "Kaneki? I'm coming in." I opened his door and saw him hugging a pillow. "I made you some food." "I don't want it.." He said before I placed it in front of him. " need to eat--" I was cut off. "I said I don't want any! " He yelled.

"Kaneki, calm down." "Calm down?! My mother just died! Did you even cry at the funeral, (F/n)? Did you?! And why were you so far back?! Did you not think I need some comfort?!" He screamed at me now. "Why are you so cold all the time!!?" He asked. "You don't understand..I DIDN'T CRY BECAUSE YOUR MOM WISHED FOR ME TO NEVER CRY IN FRONT OF YOU! AND I STAYED SO FAR BACK BECAUSE ALL I SAW IN YOUR FAMILY'S EYES WERE HATE AND DISGUST!!!" I fought back. Kaneki looked me in the eye now. "I wanted to comfort you....but because of your family I felt like an outcast..." my voice was shaking. Kaneki looked at me like he was going to cry again.

I left him in his room and went down to their basement so I can calm down. I clawed at my lower back as I sit in a dark corner. " kagune is killing wouldn't hurt to let it out this once.." My Rinkaku Kagune slid from my back. I sighed watching it twitch and swing around hitting the air. "How can he care about a monster..?" I asked myself. "(F/n)? Are you down here?" Kaneki asked opening the door. I quickly slid my kagune back in before he found me. "That was close..." "y-yeah.." I said getting his attention. "I'm sorry, (F/n)..I didn't mean to yell." He apologized. "No I'm sorry. You needed a moment and I bothered you..." I admitted. I stood up and smiled. Kaneki pulled me in a hug. "K-kaneki?" I blushed."other than Hide..your my best friend, I don't want to lose that." He said. "Yeah." I hugged him back

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