Your too adorable

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We sat in the boat for an hour, talking and planing for the wedding. "Pink?" Sasaki asked. " pink...let's just keep it a white wedding!" I smiled. "Alright. White it is." He responded back.

"We need to get some rings too-..." Growl.My stomach interrupted me with growling. I blushed and held my head down. "Are you hungry?" Sasaki asked. "Yeah...little bit..." I admitted. "I'll just go and get some coffee. It should tie me over." I said. "No. It's my job to get food for you now. I'll take care of it. " He smiled and caressed my cheek. "Fine."

I agreed. Sasaki smiled and checked the time. "Almost 10:30. I'll take you back home and then go out to get food for you." He suggested. "Alright." "But for now, so your not starving while you wait." Sasaki rolled up his sleeve to his elbow and bit down on his arm. "Here," he held his arm out to me. "Go on, before the bleeding stops. " I hesitated before grabbing his wrist and licked up the blood on his arm and took a tiny bite. Sasaki winced a bit, then soon relaxed. "Sorry..I didn't mean to bite." I blushed and averted my eye. "It's alright. See I'm already healing." He said pointing at his arm and watching his flesh reform.

He grabbed the oars and rowed back up to the river and tied the boat. He helped me out and walked me back home. I held on to his hand tightly until we got home. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. "I'll be back soon." He winked at me and left. I went up to our room and decided to look at the stuff he brought over.

I saw a small box on his bed side table and picked it up. "Haise wears glasses?" I question my self and opened the box. To my surprise, I remembered the look of the glasses. "Ma'am..." I muttered pulling out the circle lens glasses. They looked exactly like hers. I put them on out of curiosity and went into the closet. He had a whole box of his stuff. "A few clothes..badges...a picture of me asleep..wait what?" I took a double take looking at the picture.

"When did he do this?" I said starring at it. I noticed the surroundings in the room I was asleep in and remembered. "He must of took it when he snuck me out to go home with him and waited until I was asleep. "I muttered. I continued searching in the box and found the banana sweater I wore that went down to my knees. "Hah...I'm so small..." I sighed. An idea popped in my head and I grabbed the sweater, another pair of his boxers, a book, and his glasses.

"I'm home." Sasaki said walking in the room. He saw me on the couch and blushed. "Ne, Haise!" I said in the most Kawaii voice I could do. I was sitting on the couch wearing the sweater and his boxers, reading a book, and using his glasses. "Your too adorable.." He said feeling a nosebleed coming.

He sat beside me and I crawled in his lap. "Food?" I asked poking his chest. He pulled out a brown package. "I went down to :re and Touka-chan gave me some. He handed it to me and I unwrapped the package until a Piece of the flesh poked out from the paper. I bit off a piece and offered some to Sasaki. He took a small bite so I had enough to eat. "Read to me." I said handing him the book.

"Black Goats Egg?" He said reading the title. "I think I've read this before. Not completely sue though. " He opened to the first page. I placed his glasses on his face. "Kawaii~" I said kissing his cheek. He chuckled and started reading.

About half way done with the second chapter, I felt my bandages slide off my face. "Ne, I'll be right back!" I said getting off his lap and headed to the bathroom.

I stared in the mirror and took off the bandages. I traced my finger around the gapping hole in my face and sighed. "This will never heal..." I said wrapping it in fresh bandages. I came back out of the bathroom and crawled back into his lap. "Sorry about that." I laughed. "Your bandages, there new." He said. "Oh? Um, yeah.." I said. "Why won't you let me see?" Sasaki asked. "Because it's ugly." I replied. "I beg to differ. Every part of your body is perfect." He said letting his cool breath touch my ear.

I hesitated and moved. "One day..I'll show you." I said. "Alright." He say there smiling at me.

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