One-eyed king

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My eyes opened and I looked at my surroundings. " did I get here?" I asked my self getting up. "Ah! My head is killing me.." I rubbed my temples to make the pain go away but it just moved to the back of my neck. I winced at the pain and looked over the side of the building. "Eto..?" My eyes widened when I saw who else was down there. "...k-ka-ne-ki....?"

Kaneki stabbed Eto in the stomach with his Kagune. "Heh! You think this is enough to kill me?~ " Eto mocked. Kaneki smirked. "Of course not." Kaneki made the stab bigger by letting his Kagune grow and go throughout her body. " cold. Just woken up and your already spilling blood.." She hissed and tried to rip him out of her. "Your the cold one here.."Kaneki pulled his Kagune out and dogged her next attack. "You damn brat! I'll swallow you whole!!" Eto yelled getting angry and opened her mouth to eat him, but Kaneki cut her tongue out before she could.

"You might find that hard to do." Kaneki muttered. While he was distracted, Eto swong her arm at him, trying to impale him with her long nails. I quickly jumped off the roof and used my New Kagune to cut both of her arms off. She hissed at me used her Kagune to stab my leg, making me fall head first towards the pavement, but something caught me before I can hit the ground. I opened my eyes to see black hair. "K..Kaneki? Is that really you?" I asked looking him in the eyes. "Yeah. I'm sorry for leaving." He muttered. "Don't be Baka!" I started to cried and hugged his neck. "You never just changed your look." I mumbled through my tears. "I you still prefer Haise over me?" He asked. "What? No! I love you Kaneki. It doesn't matter if I married Haise. He was still you so I really married you." I gave him a soft smile. He smiled back and kissed my forehead. "CCG are everywhere..." Kaneki whispered to me. "I know...I can keep them busy. Don't worry about me and get her out of our lives." I said looking at my leg that was already healed. Kaneki put me down, bit I kept a grip on his hand. "Don't die this time." I joked. "Yeah.." He replied.

I walked camly in the crowd of investigators. "We just want to live....and you won't let us." I spoke to them. "You killed over 100 innocent humans!" One of them yelled. "Yes...and I know I could never be forgiven, but that wasn't me. " I said knowing they wouldn't believe me. "The Eyepatch and I try to protect the humans and ghouls..we're halves so we don't belong anywhere. Blame us all you want! But we are neither human or Ghoul!"

They just clicked their tongues and lift up their Quinque's. "I knew you wouldn't listen... I tried to warn you, but we're like wild animals. We end up killing everything." And after that..all I remember was darkness.

"(F/n)? Are you alright?" A voice called out to me. "....yes.." I muttered opening my eye's. "Kaneki? Where are we?" I asked looking around. "Home." He gave me a smile. "You don't remember what happened do you?" Kaneki said grabbing my hand. I shook my head 'no'. "Your Kagune took over your body...and you slaughtered everyone." I sighed and looked away. "And Eto? Is she gone?" I asked. "I got her injured her pretty badly..but she muttered something to me." I looked back to him. "What was it? " Kaneki hesitated before speaking. "The One-eyed King.

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