Years Later

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Kaneki stood over your grave. He placed a bouquet flowers upon the grass and took a long sigh. "Four years already."

A light breeze picked up. His white hair tossed in the wind. "I wonder, do you think I'll be able to see you again if I die right now? Right here?" He pulled a gun from his coat and pressed the barrel to his head. He cocked the gun and with a deep breath, he pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened. He sighed and placed the gun back. "Maybe next year."

Kaneki would come to your grave every year and test his luck to see if he got the bullet to the brain. Every year he hopes, but so far no luck.

"I'll see you next year, love." Tears flowed from his eyes as he gripped the head stone. "God, when will this torture end?"

"Kaneki?" A familiar  voice called out.
"They're waiting." Touka said as he dried his tears and placed his mask on.

"Let's go." Kaneki sighed.

-Letting go-
I watched from your grave with a smile on my face. I stopped the bullet every year. "One day, he will understand that I want him to live and not dwell on the past." I giggled and looked behind me.

"Cas!" A voice called out.

"Coming!" I smiled and chased off after the voice.

"Did you save him again?"

"Of course, I maybe with you now, but doesn't mean I dont care. Let's just go, Eijiro. The other's are waiting as well!"

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