||Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) #1||

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For @umyeahofcourse :) (Example)

||Avalon's POV||

The world just didn't seem fair. There were so many unfair things that could be easily changed, but they were kept the same because higher ranked people wanted them to stay where they were.

Why was there no maximum wage?

It was just one of those days again, where all I could think about was how wrong the world was, until I suddenly bumped into someone right.

As I walked to my closing shift at the music store, I almost felt like something had to go right today. After a long series of bad things, at least one good should come from it, right?

I walked into the store and sat behind the counter, pulling out my journal. It was a place I could say whatever I wanted, and not be judged for it. It was my one true escape in a world so judgmental.

After a few minutes, the bell from the door sounded and in walked two men, probably about my age or a bit older.

The first one, a guy with short brown hair and a crooked smile, came up to the counter, while the other one stayed behind. He had longer, dirty blonde hair and seemed uncomfortable and shy.

He almost reminded me of myself in a way, but before I could ponder any longer, the taller guy's voice pulled me out of my own head.

"Hey, um, I was wondering if you guys have anything by the Meat Puppets here?" he asked smiling, looking hopeful.

"Uh, yeah. I think I saw 'Too High To Die' the other day. Follow me," I murmured, forgetting that I'd left my journal open for the public to see, as I escorted the man to the back of the store.

It didn't take long for me to locate the record and price it lower than the other ones. Something about this group made me feel a bit uneasy and also anxious. Plus, I didn't know many other people who listened to the same kind of music I did nowadays. It was all boy bands and that other stuff.

"I hope you know you're pricing this really low," the man chuckled, handing me the money.

"Yeah I know.. You're welcome..."

He just laughed and thanked me for the record, and turned to leave the store, but his friend didn't follow.

As I walked into the storage room to start restocking some of the shelves, I noticed the blonde staring down at something on the counter.

I slowly walked up to him and saw him reading my thoughts from earlier in the day.

As he looked up at me, I expected a cruel remark or a snarky side comment, but that never came. The only thing he face showed was understanding.

"You're right yknow, I'm not sure why you get so anxious when people look at your thoughts. They're all very true," he said quietly, making my face turn a bit red.

"You never know with people nowadays," I murmured, "They'll judge you for anything."

"You're right again... I'm Kurt," he said, sending me a small smile and his hand.


"I'd like to hear more about your perception on the world sometime. What days are you usually here?"

"Um, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays," I stuttered. This guy was making me nervous, but it was a different kind of nervous. I'd say excited, but my stomach felt funny so I didn't know if it was good or not, but this man did intrigue me.

"Perfect, I'll see you one of those days. Keep writing your thoughts, you can do something amazing with them if you try."

And with that 'Kurt' walked out of the store, leaving me a confused, love stricken mess, although I didn't know what it was at the time.
I don't know... I guess that was a little something of what I can do for you guys :) Message me your request(s) and I'll be sure to get them done as soon as possible. Thanks so much :)

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