||Tré Cool (Green Day) #4||

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(For punkheartss !!! Ohh Tre <3, he's my baby... I love him so much I swear.. And I'm so sorry this is so late, I was on vacation and had no service..I hope you enjoy and hopefully this is good enough!)

||Eden's POV||

I sat on the couch in the studio, watching the boys do what they did best. It was crazy to me that they'd be releasing all three of these albums in only a matter of months. They weren't half bad either. I mean usually when bands tried to do things like that, it was pretty bad but I really liked these songs, well, the ones that they had so far.

They were still working on writing a couple of songs for the album Tré, named after my husband. It was a nice play on works, Uno, Dos, Tré. Smart.

I'd been with him every since American Idiot came out and from then on, we've pretty much been inseparable. He was my best friend and I loved him with everything I had.

They all sat around a table, writing down different things that came to their heads as I yawned and lazily watched them while trying not to fall asleep on the sofa. They'd been doing this for the past few days, pulling all nighters to try and get this done and I tried doing it with them but it was finally getting to me.

"Why don't ya get some sleep babe?" Tré sighed when he saw my eyes open and close with the struggle to stay awake.

"Nah, I'm fine... I wanna help."

"Eden, you haven't sleep in three days. We're used to stuff like this... It's not good for ya," Mike told me as I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Nah, I'm fine," I repeated sleepily, watch them shake their heads, knowing that they wouldn't get to me.

"Have you talked to Ash by chance? Well.. Not talk because she can't but.."

"Yeah, yeah. I got ya... I'll call my brother and see what's up right now."

Ash was probably Tré's favorite person in the world. He loved her with all his heart and when he found out that we were gonna have her, he totally flipped his shit. He stopped doing a lot of stuff that would potentially be bad for a kid to see and helped me so much. Having a daughter turned my punk into a total softie and it really was a sight to see.

At the moment she was staying at my brothers house so the album could be finished with no distractions but all Tré did was think and worry about her. Geez, when she starts dating, there's gonna be a shitstorm going down. He was so overprotective over her. It took months for Beej to even convince him to let him hold her.

I stood from the couch and stepped outside on the patio, dialing my brothers number.

"Eden, what's up?"

"Hi Brad, how's Ash?"

"Well, uh.." He said sheepishly, making my heart skip a beat. Motherly instinct.

"Brad, what the fuck happened?"

"Nothing happened, she just won't shut up."

I sighed, trying to become fully awake again, as I tried to figure out what to do.

"I'll come get her then."

"Eden, if you have work to do-"

"No, it's fine... We miss her anyways, the little terror," I chuckle a bit as Brad lets out a breath of relief.

"Thank god, I didn't want to seem like a total jerk but ya, take her back... I don't know if I want kids anymore..."

I laughed and told him I'd be there in a few before hanging up and walking back inside.

"Babe, I gotta pick up Ash. She becoming a bit too much for Brad to handle... Beej, Mike... Well she be alright hanging out in here?"

"Of course," Mike smiled before Billie nodded, focusing on the piece of paper in front of him.

"My little drama queen," Tré cooed, chuckling a little bit before the room became silent and Billie quickly shot up.

"My little drama queen... My drama queen... She is your drama queen... She is my drama queen..." He exclaimed as we all stared but at him in confusion.

"She is my drama queen... Guys, this could work!"

Mike and Tré beamed at Billie as I rolled my eyes at how easy it was for Beej to make a song so good.

"Alright y'all, I'm gonna go grab her... I swear B, if you have the song done by the time I get back," I laughed, giving Tré a kiss before grabbing our keys and picking up the little bundle of joy out of a magazine.

(Sorry about this one... I have no idea what this plot was but I apologize... I was listening to Drama Queen at three in the morning and somehow this came of it so yeah....sorry...)

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