||Sean Long (While She Sleeps) #1||

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(For bloodyroadtojoy !! Number two! One more to go! I'm really impressed with your music taste, like goddamn, it's really awesome! Haha enjoy :))

||Catalina's POV||

"Come on. Just admit it! I'm better than you," Sean begged, as the others surrounded you and him, who were facing off in a Mario Kart battle.

"In your dreams, lover boy. Yoshi always beats Toad," I stated, taking a sip of Coke before the race started.

"You guys aren't gonna live this down, are ya?" Lawrence muttered, sitting on the back of the couch of the tour bus with his feet on the cushions.

"Hell no. I know I can beat him. I've done it just about a thousand times," I teased, making him look over at me in shock right as the alarm went off to start us.

"Slow start there, Long," I laughed, as he snapped out of it and stared back at the screen.

"Oh shit...."

"So what does she get if she wins?" Adam asked, watching our feud.

"Hot Topic shopping spree," Aaran answered, making me smile.

Ever since I'd started dating Sean, the competition that we'd started when we were kids had gotten even more fun. The challenges had gotten more difficult as you can tell, and the consequences were a lot worse or better depending on how horny Sean was.

So far, the score was four, me and three, Sean. We ended at five points and it could easily be anyone's game, but I needed to win. The overall lifetime score was 57 to 56, Sean was winning. All I needed was that one point to even it out, to show him that I could kick his ass one day.

"And what does he get if he wins?"

"You don't wanna know," Mat murmured, as they all stared intensely at the TV screen.

"Psh... Of course that's what he wants," Lawrence muttered sarcastically, making me laugh.

"Sean... Just give up man."

"Never! I will win this damnit! You are not gonna tie with me," he exclaimed, throwing a blue shell at my motorbike in the game.

This meant war.

I timed the explosion and quickly dodged it before hitting him with an ink splatter.

"You asshole!"

"I swear only he gets to say that to his girlfriend," Aaron sighed jealously, as the others snickered at him.

My thumb was starting to cramp up from pressing down on the Wii controller so hard but it didn't matter. All that did is that I beat him and got some new band merch.

The third lap finally came around with me in first and Sean hot on my tail.

"Give it up," he demanded once again, trying to make me give up my title as champion.

"Nope.." I said through my teeth as I stated at Sean slowly getting closer and closer before we were right next to each other on the track.

"Oh shit.."

"You're both dead."

"How about a kiss and make up?"

The finish line came around the corner just seconds before Sean got a power up. A red mushroom. Suddenly he sped in front of me, high off of the power up and finished the race in first place, with me only seconds behind.

"Fuck!" I stressed, knowing that it was an even four to four score and anyone could get the point. It was game point, all or nothing.

I set down my controller and cracked my knuckles, taking another sip of soda as the guys looked at me like I was something dangerous.

"Alright, we're tied. Last round, Rainbow Road. Mario vs Peach. Original cars, manual. What do you say babe?" I stated, holding my hand out for him to shake as the others looked at us in amazement.

"Rainbow Road on manual? Is she psycho?" Mat breathed, as the other shrugged, watching closing as Sean shook my hand.

"I'm down, but I hope you know that that's exactly what you'll be later when I win," he smirked, chugging the rest of his drink and getting ready.

"I swear if they don't break up after this, they'll be together forever," Adam said. They spoke like we couldn't hear them or something.

After a few presses of buttons, the track was displayed on the screen and the countdown had started.

"Get ready, babe. Wouldn't want to mess up," he added, just before the alarm sounded, sending us both flying across the map.

I didn't even want to blink. I couldn't miss anything, I had to beat him.

"Yknow either way I'm gonna get what I want. You should just give up," Sean tried again, trying to making me lose focus on the game.

"You wish," I countered, sticking my tongue out in concentration right as he looked over at me.

"Oh come on. You're such a nerd," he chuckled lovingly, as he started to lose his focus on the game.

I stuck it out a bit further, slowly figuring out my plan of attack. Distraction.

"Stop that," he laughed, as if it were the cutest thing in the world.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Adam looking around and looking at the others, who started laughing as well.

"Alright I get it. It's cute, you dork," he said, right as a blue shell hit him in the ass and I finished in first.

I dropped the controller in excitement as I watched his face freeze in complete shock.

"The art of seduction, boy!" I teased, jumping up and down as he sat there, confused.


"Dude, you just got beat by a girl," Lawrence laughed, giving me a high five as the rest followed.

He didn't say a word and stared at the screen with my character up on a podium with a first place trophy.

I sighed and flopped back down, wrapping my arms around his.

"Don't be so down, it's depressing," I murmured, poking his cheek with my finger before he gave me puppy dog eyes. Oh lord..

"Come on... I won! Ugh fine! This better be a big ass spree," I sighed, as he jumped up and pulled me into the bunk room where I heard the guy's disgusted groans from the other room.

(Here we go! I was thinking about starting a lyric breakdown book when I got done with the Criminal, what do you all think? Until the next one shot :))

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