||Liam Gallagher (Oasis) #1||

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(For liveforeveroasis !! I'm sorry this took so long but first Oasis one! I need to listen to them more but I remember them being awesome! I hope you like it. Enjoy :))

||Enid's POV||

"I don't know about this guys..." I murmured, looking up at the tall Ferris Wheel. We were at this festival close to my hometown and the boys wanted me to loosen up. This wasn't the way to do it.

"Come on, it won't be bad! Just hold Liam's hand," Noel snickered, making the crush I had on his brother obvious.

I came out here with Liam, Noel, Tony, and Paul to try and take a load off and relax. It'd been a very stressful month, and they kept telling me I needed a break. But the one hundred foot wheel of death in front of me just gave me even more of a sick feeling in my stomach.

"Don't you think it'd be better to go on last?" I said, trying to give myself time. "I mean, isn't it a lot better at night?"

Paul scoffed and rolled his eyes, while the others stared at me in knowing. They knew I was stalling for time.

"Alright... Let's check out some of the other ones," Liam spoke after taking his eyes off me with a kind smile. He knew I wasn't comfortable but he'd still make me go on that death trap later.

"Fine, but you have to promise me you're going on it later," Tony declared, holding out his pinkie for me to promise.

I sighed, nodding and wrapped my finger around his, shaking it a bit.

"I'm hungry.. Let's get some chips," Noel whined, leading us over to the concessions stand that had a bar right next to it. Great.

The boys, other than Noel, who was focused on getting his chips, made a beeline for the makeshift bar that was held under a rain tarp from the weather wasn't being the kindest.

I rolled my eyes, asking for a water as the rest of them got beers. Men and their alcohol. I'll never understand it.

I sat around the bar for a while, watching them slowly become more and more intoxicated.

I didn't care though, they were always funny when they were drunk although it wasn't good for them. I wasn't a beer person but some wine once in a while didn't hurt. It tasted like candy anyways, that's most likely the reason I didn't mind it.

"Okay, okay but like unemployment," Tony started, almost like it was a joke or something.

"Dude, three million people just got laid off here. You can't say that shit like its funny."

"Okay, okay but like what if.."

"Tony, just stop yourself right there," Liam cut him off, making him pout and me smile a little.

The boys started talking about football or something as I began to zone out while looking at Liam. His blue eyes held so much hidden emotion and just sucked you into looking at them. He really was handsome. It wasn't my fault that I'd fallen for him with him looking the way he did. I was honestly surprised he didn't have more girlfriends than he had already did earlier in his life.

After a few more drinks for the guys, we decided to hit up a few more rides before we had to leave. They were fun. There was nothing to be afraid about unlike the Ferris Wheel. I hated heights to an extreme. I couldn't even go on the London Eye without wanting to cry.

After Paul had won his girlfriend, who wasn't able to make it that night, a teddy bear from a dart game, they dragged me over to the machine that seemed to be the death of me.

I halted at the entrance as Noel tried pulling me on.

"Come on! You promised us!"

"I don't know if I can," I admitted, feeling my legs start to weaken like they always did when I got anxiety.

"Yes, you can. Now come on. Two per seat. Me and Tony, Paul and that stupid bear, and you and Liam. You'll be fine," he rushed, pushing me through the entrance gate. There was no turning back. I was stuck on this ride with a not completely sober Liam Gallagher.

The operator led Liam and I into a box as the guys all gave me huge smiles and thumbs up. I returned their gestures with a middle finger as we were strapped into the cart.

"If I throw up on you, I promise to do your laundry," I told Liam, who laughed and grabbed my hand in his, trying to make me feel better although it just made me more nervous.

"You're not gonna throw up," he comforted, not completely in his head but I knew he meant well.

The ride suddenly started moving up as I squeezed his hand tighter until I was sure that his hand might fall off.

"Just look at me. You're fine," he encouraged, until we finally stopped once more... On the top of the death machine.

I slowly looked over the railing at all the people below and got a sick feeling in my stomach.

"Just look at me," he repeated, before I looked once more in his eyes and got lost again. Although this time was different. He seemed to as well.

"I'm not sure if this is the beer or that I have courage now, but you're seriously beautiful," he said quietly, his eyes still staring into mine.

I felt my cheeks turn hot even in the cold wind, his face being illuminated by the carnival lights in the dark night sky.


Before I could finish my sentence full of stuttered words, he leaned in and took my lips in his as if he was already addicted to my kiss. My widened eyes slowly closed after a moment and my stomach was doing flips, good ones though.

As suddenly as the kiss had happened, it ended caused by the also sudden movement of the ride.

Our faces stayed close to each other's, as he chuckled, laying my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me. My cheeks held a full blush and my mouth couldn't stop smiling.

"God, I love alcohol," he laughed, kissing my forehead as I laid there for a bit until the ride was over for us.

We got off the ride hand in hand, waiting outside the gate for the others to get off but we heard them before we saw them.

"I fucking called it!" I heard Noel exclaim, running out of the ride and jumping onto Liam playfully before looking at the two of us.

"You both owe me."

(Here we go! I kinda like this one actually! I just went to a fiesta tonight so I decided to write about what I'd been thinking about as I stepped on the Ferris wheel there... Alone... Nevermind that. Talk to y'all soon)

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