||Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) #6||

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(For JJTheWriter888 !! Sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy! I keep listening to Kurt's cover of And I Love Her by the Beatles and it just brings tears to my eyes... Enjoy :))

||Melody's POV||

I slowly stepped up to the doors of my new school and took a deep breath inward. I'd finally had a chance to not be a 'loser' or 'faggot' anymore. It was a day where I could finally change it all, that was, of course, if I didn't fuck up. There was almost an 100% chance of that happening.

I always thought of the movies where the shy, quiet nerd girl gets the handsome quarterback. Although it was total bullshit, it's not completely impossible right?

I carefully walked up the small steps and reached for the door handle, almost instantly getting hit in the face with a paper airplane as I opened the door. This was already a great start, wasn't it?

I quickly recovered and stared at all the faces who silently judged me. They looked at me like I was prey and they were the predators but I wasn't scared. I scoffed and walked towards where I thought the main office would be.

Some people were so touchy. Having to make sure their hair was pretty and their clothes up to date. It was a lot different than my other school yet they were the same.

Once I'd finally found the door that led to the rest of my year, I heard yelling from behind the door.

"Are you sure you wanna start, Cobain?!"

I timidly turned the door handle and came face to face with a skinny, blonde boy about my age and a balding middle aged man bent down to the level he was sitting at, threatening him with a bright, red face.

The boy, however, didn't looked phased and just seemed bored with the whole deal. It wasn't until he looked over at me, standing there with wide eyes, that I noticed his bright, blue orbs staring into me.

My breathing hitched when I saw his eyes and I just stood there for a few seconds more until the older man spoke.

"May I help you?"

"I-um... I'm new," I murmured quietly, feeling nervous with Blue Eyes staring at me.

"Oh! Um... Excuse that," he stuttered, standing up straight and holding out his hand. "I'm Principle Lynes. Welcome to Aberdeen High."

Rejecting his shake and just staring at him, I didn't move as I watched him anxiously. I didn't like the guy. He was fake like all the rest of them.

"I'll go get your paperwork, Ms...?"


"Ms. Melody. I'll be right back."

With that he quickly left me alone in the room with the boy still watching.

"He always like that?" I asked nervously, trying to start a conversation. I mean the guy was handsome, like stupidly good looking. He really beat the boys at my old school.

"To me," he answered, staring at the door that 'Principle Lynes' had just gone through. "We have a good ten minutes before the dick comes back."

I nodded and slowly sat in the seat next to him as he took out a carton of cigarettes, offering one to me, which I took.

"How'd you get here?" I questioned as he picked up the schedule that was laying on my lap.

"The real question is: how do I get out?" He smirked, looking down the list of teachers I'd have for the next six months. "I spray painted 'God Is Gay' on the brick wall outside.

Snickering, I took a drag of the cigarette I'd gotten and coughed a little. I'd just started smoking maybe two weeks before that, yknow the usual parent rebellion tactic that only hurts you in the end. Oh, teenage angst.

"Where are you from?"


"Oh. Well you should've stayed there," he said smugly, making me freeze up a bit.

He couldn't be a jock, he was way too skinny for football. Maybe baseball? My face turned a bit red as I looked at him, hoping that he didn't already hate me.


"It's boring here. There's nothing to do. Aberdeen is full of lumberjacks and drunks, which isn't the best combo if you ask me," he stated, before opening his mouth to talk again. "But I guess with you here, I can find something for us to do."

I had no idea if he was trying to be dirty or not but I felt the familiar heat in my cheeks which made him laugh. I liked his laugh.

"Ms. Melody, this'll be fun," he concluded, smiling a bit before Lynes walked back through the door.

"Here we are, Melody.." He said, handing me a stack of paperwork before continuing. "And Miss? I'd advise you to stay away from anyone who could potentially ruin your grades," he muttered, looking at the boy.

"Wouldn't think about it, sir," I lied, staring into the eyes of the boys whose name I didn't even know.

I turned toward the office door before hearing a "I'll see you in science, Melody," obviously said to make Lynes mad.

First hour of school and I'd already found the person who'd flip my world upside-down.

(Im so happy to be back you guys! I'll be posting less frequently than I was but I'll be on everyday if possible. Thanks for sticking with me this long. I love you all)

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