||Keith Richards (The Rolling Stones) #1||

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(For MicaTheQueen !! Continuing your requests and watching Pokemon. Team Rocket just needs to fucking stop alright, like I forgot how annoying they are xD. Enjoy and thanks for the request! :))

Michaela's POV

"Mick! Let me out! This isn't funny!" I yelled, pounding on the door of the hallway closet in which Mick and the boys trapped us in. Us as in Keith and I.

Although Keith really didn't seem to care and continued smoking his cigarette while sitting on a box, I was freaking out. I knew I should have told them that I liked Keith. Heaven knows they would've pulled something like that. And now, I didn't know what to do.

The closet was small, maybe like five by six feet, but the wall were really close together. All I could smell was smoke since there were no vents in here and the sound of the guys laughing outside of the door could be heard. I didn't know what to do. It wasn't like we were playing 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' or anything. They told me that Keith needed help getting a box out of the closet, which he did, and when I got in there, bam! The door was locked from the outside.

"Just calm down, won't ya?" Keith sighed, lazily like he didn't even care about the whole situation, like it was a regular day. 

"Calm down?! Keith, we're locked in a fucking closet with no way out!"

"Come on now. You think they're gonna leave us in here so long that you'll starve to death?" he asked, rolling his eyes and continuing puffing on his cancer stick.

I knew I was overreacting but being stuck in a small, compact space with him made me nervous. Like I was gonna do something stupid to mess something up and knowing me, I'd somehow do that.

"Come here, sit down and stop pacing. You're giving me a headache," he told me, moving a box in front of him, leaving barely any space between us. Not like there was much to begin with anyways.

I quietly sat in front of him, him being barely visible, although there was a small light coming from the crack under the door.

"Now, breathe and cool down," he ordered, leaning back on the tubs of junk behind him. He acted like this had happened to him before. Well... I honestly wouldn't be surprised.

"This is stupid," I breathed, putting my face in my hands and taking in a deep breath like he told me to.

"No kidding. I just wanted to get my stand out of storage," he agreed, chuckling a little bit for no reason but it was cute, and it made me smile and feel a bit more better.

There was a few moments of silence before he spoke, finally putting out the cigarette somehow, making it a lot easier and healthier to breath.

"So tell me about yourself."

"Keith, you've known me for almost four years now. What don't you know?" I questioned, not knowing what he actually wanted to know.

"There isn't anything I don't know but tell me again," he said, making it sound like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Well alright.. My name is Michaela Jones, sister of the deceased Brian Jones. I'm twenty years old. I hate moths and tight spaces, obviously, and my favorite movie is 'The Fly'."

I watched him, with the sight I had, laugh a little bit at my explanation of myself.

"Okay, but there's got to be more than that. Like... Who out of the boys do you think is the most fit?" he said, leaning towards me as if interrogating me with the question. It was obviously him in my opinion but I wasn't just gonna tell him that. 

"Umm... I don't know... Mick?" I answered, sounding unsure but he knew I was lying the second I said it.

"Okay... now for real this time."

"Hey! What if that was for real?" I defended, not wanting him to figure me out but I knew he probably already did. Great job, Michaela. Chasing boys off since birth. Fucking hell..

"You weren't. I know you're lying because you always scratch your elbow before you do," he told me as if I hadn't noticed already. I was a horrible liar.

"I do not!" I muttered, proving his point, making him point and laugh at my stupidity.

"God, I fuck up! I get it..." I murmured, before placing my head in my hands. I hated small spaces as I had said before and this room wasn't exactly spacious. 

"Now who is it really?" he pondered once more, showing me that he wasn't gonna leave this question alone until I answered it. The anxiety with the room being so small was getting to me already and now he was gonna make me confess that I pretty much liked him, although he probably already knew. I felt like I wanted to drown but I continued to keep my head above water.

"What if I don't wanna say? You'll tell everyone anyways," I accused.

"Now who would I tell? I can keep a secret if you can keep one," he compromised, seemingly getting a bit antsy in his seat.

Did I really wanna potentially ruin the friendship we had for years by telling him about my stupid little crush or ruin it by him thinking I can't trust him. God, I hated boys.

"Fine... but what's yours?"

"Nope, I asked you first," he spoke, making me sigh and rub my face with my hands. I couldn't believe I was doing this. The small space was driving me crazy. I was doing things that would never do sanely. It was almost scaring me a bit.

"...You alright? You satisfied?" I mumbled, looking away from him before I heard him chuckle and watched him move from his seat and next to me out of the corner of my eye. I felt my heart beat faster as he sat really close to me. 

"Come here," he said quietly, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him if that was even possible, making my cheeks flare up and my breathing hitch. Was this seriously happening?

"I told you I'd tell you mine but I think you already know," he whispered in my ear, kissing my neck lightly under it. He could tell that I was confused and nervous at the same time but once he kissed me, every anxiety I had seemed to dissapear. 

I loved how his kisses felt and I wanted them to last forever but suddenly the door opened to Mick and Ronnie grinning at us ear to ear.

"I fucking told ya, Wood! You owe me a pizza!" Mick exclaimed, as they both watched us, making me blush uncomfortably as I put my face in Keith's shirt to hide it from them. But he seemed to be chuckling as well. He was in on this. That was plan the whole time. But I almost couldn't be mad.

(Here we go! I kinda like this one but I'll see what you guys think. I might go see Cat Stevens in October and I'm super excited. Talk to y'all soon.)

Band One Shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon