||Tré Cool (Green Day) #1||

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(For GreenDayGirl5 !!! Hope you enjoy and sorry it took so long! And I know it sucks I'm sorry!)

||Jade's POV||

"Tré...Tré...Tré...Finger fucker!" I yelled, trying to gain his attention away from his phone to me.

He'd already had to make five phone calls, two to Beej and Mike and three to their manager.

They were gonna go back on tour soon for their new album 21st Century Breakdown, and I was already started to miss him.

The long months always took tolls on them and myself, but when he wasn't even mentally here when he was physical, it was like why even try anymore?

I sat at the breakfast bar, watching him in his short shorts and muscle shirt as I tried to find a way to get his attention.

"Tré, you know... I've been looking at a sexy, playtime dungeon and I think we should get it," I joked, trying to keep a straight face as he looked up at me with a sarcastic 'really?' stare.

I sighed, jumping off my stool and taking a pack of cigarettes out of the junk drawer and went to the front porch.

I did this every night he was gone, even if he was only mentally. People asked me why I didn't leave him for someone who was always there. I always gave them the same answer. I'd never love someone as much as I loved him. I'd stick by him through everything for as long as he'd have me, but they never seemed to understand.

They acted like he was a drunk, who always was out cheating with hookers and shit. He wasn't like that at all.

He'd never been unfaithful since we'd been together, at least what I know of.

It was the life of a rockstar, a life I didn't share with him or the rest of the boys. But I'd always wait for him, I always will.

I could feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes, before I took a shaky breath and blinked them away.

"Sometimes I wonder why whenever I get home I can never relax," I heard Tré breathe behind me, causing me to tense.

"I mean fuck, you tense up around me now. What the fuck did I do?" He murmured, sitting next to me, lighting his own cigarette.

"You have work, I understand," I whispered, looking down at my bare feet on the cement.

"What happened to the early days in high school when we could just hang out at Gilman's without a care in the world. Now I have two fucking kids and another ex wife!" He muttered, as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Tré, this is how it has to be."

"No it doesn't! I would fucking bring you if I could but they won't let me! The managers, they will make up some story about how you'd distract me from the show and bla bla bla!"

"Tré, stop," I murmured, looking up at his face which was red with anger, "Just do what makes you happy."

"Being with you makes me happy, Jade... I'll be back soon, I swear to it."

He pulled me close to him at we looked up at Oaktown's night sky.

"But yknow, that dungeon does sounds like fun. How much did you say it was?" He smirked, looking into my eyes.

"Tré, do you really wanna know?" I teased, kissing him right under his jaw, "it one million dollars!"

"It's not Tré, babe. It's Daddy," he tried whispered seductively, causing me to laugh.

"Oh shut up."

(Sorry! This one is really weird, I just don't even know... I totally understand if you hate it! But if you didn't I hope you enjoyed i guess.. :)

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