||Brian Jones (The Rolling Stones) #1||

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(For MicaTheQueen !! As said before, I'm these took forever but here it is :) Coming up with ideas for plots is kind of getting hard so if anyone can help with some for the next few, that would be amazing. Anyways I hope you enjoy and thanks for requesting :))

Michaela's POV

I couldn't help but just stare as they all took to the stage. It was my first concert ever and defiantly the best one I'd ever go to. It didn't even matter that I didn't have the best seats in the house. Just being in their presence was enough and being able to hear the music live seemed almost orgasmic, like pure joy and happiness.

I'd been waiting around the venue since almost ten that morning and waiting my place in line for what seemed like ages but it was all worth it. Just to catch a glimpse of them and to see Brian Jones in person.

He was my favorite member. He seemed quiet, shy, and almost a bit serious but it was cute to me. He was a real genius and the way he played the guitar just placed me in complete awe. He was the real deal. I mean don't get me work, Mick and the others were just as important but something about him made it seem like he was the one putting everything together. He was the founding member.

It took them a few moments for them to set up the amps and drum set but once I heard the opening notes of 'Sympathy For The Devil', I couldn't help the tears of happiness come to my eyes. I was standing there in front of my heroes for whom I'd admired for so long. It seemed surreal but if I only knew how surreal I'd feel by the end of the night.

For the next two hours, I jumped around and danced and sang like I never had before in my life. It was weird how you were never embarrassed to do anything like that at concerts. If someone asked me to sing anywhere else, I knew for sure I wouldn't be able to.

As they played their last song, 'Lady Jane', my eyes landed on Brian for about the hundredth time that night but something was different. He was staring back at me. My eyes instantly widened as I looked behind me to see if he could possibly be looking there but when I looked back I could tell for a fact that he was looking at me for he was chuckling at my reaction.

I could feel my face turning a deep red and getting hot as Brian went to the side of the stage and started talking to a security guard, pointing in my direction. I knew I hadn't done anything bad but my anxiety started going through the roof. I didn't know what he was saying but with the smell of cigarettes and sweat filling the air, I knew that right after the concert was over, I had to go.

The last note was hit before the lights blacked out and everyone cheered including myself. It surely was the best thing I'd ever been to. Not even a professional football match could beat that. It seemed almost magical and it was. As the crowd started filing down the rows, I followed until security stopped me.

"Miss? Mr. Jones asks for your presence backstage," he told me, making my eyes almost pop out of my head. He wanted me backstage? Why?

"O-oh umm alright.." I answered, nervously as I followed the guard down to the side of the stage, seeing a bunch of fans giving me dirty looks as they walked out of the arena. The entrance to the backstage door was swarmed with about fifteen or so teenage girls.

Once we got close to them, they were parted by another guard like the Red Sea. I awkwardly walked through them as they tried to pull me back by the shirt. They were like rabid dogs I swear. I pulled away from them and sped through the doors, breathing heavily. I was so anxious and I could feel my palms sweating. Why me? Why some nineteen year old from Bradford who was dancing like an idiot right in front of them. How did that attract anyone, especially someone like Brian Jones.

"They're like wild animals, eh?" I heard a voice from behind me say as I stiffened. I knew that voice. I slowly turned around making eye contact with him once again, making my eyes widened like the first time we saw each other. He smirked and took a step closer to me so that we were now about three feet apart. We were pretty close. "What's your name love?"

"M-Michaela.." I said quietly, stuttering a little bit.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful bird... Come on, have a drink with me and the lads, yeah?" he asked, holding out his hand for me to take. 

It was crazy to thank something came from that night other than a one night stand, although our time together still felt too short. I still don't understand what he saw in me that night but for the year we were together, he gave me better than anyone had ever. All the love any girl could want. It was crazy that he even saw me from how far my seat was from the stage but he did, and it'll always be the best night of my life.

(Here we go! I tried but tell me what you guys think. Talk to y'all soon,)

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