||Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) #4||

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(For MicaTheQueen !! This one is kind of based off of the movie The Breakfast Club so if you've seen the movie, it'll be kind of the same concept. Thanks so much for all the requests and here your last one. Enjoy :))

||Michaela's POV||

I couldn't believe that I'd gotten myself another detention this month. It was only two weeks in and it was my fourth time having to come here. Not like I had anything better to do though. Usually I was the only one in there but today was different. 

As I sat down at the regular table I sat at the teacher, that always was supposed to be watching us but actually didn't care, brought in a boy who sat at the table to the side of me. 

"Now you have six hours to sit here and think about what you did. I'll be back to let you out then. Mess anything up and I'll make sure you stay here for as long as possible," he threatened before walking out the door and locking it.

"Thank god. I thought I'd have to kill myself," I heard the boy next to me sigh as I didn't answer.

I knew who he was. Billie Joe Armstrong. He was known as the kid who'd do anything just to do it and also as a total stoner but I didn't judge. The shit could be relaxing sometimes. He was also in a band that was getting signed I'd heard. I bet the guys down at Gilman's didn't like that.

"Ahh we got a silent one," he smirked, getting up out of his seat to sit on the table right in front of me. He sat there for a second before suddenly holding out his hand with a stupidly sarcastic look on his face. "Hi, I'm Billie Joe."

"I know who you are," I told him, taking out my notebook. It was a long six hours in here. He took his hand back when he saw that I wasn't gonna shake it and jumped off the table to walk around the library.

"What do you even do for kicks around here? Read?" he asked before dropping the book he'd picked up off of one of the counters.

"Haven't you ever been in detention before?" I questioned him, after putting my book down in defeat. He wasn't gonna let me get anything done today. I knew it.

"Nope, I'm good at not getting caught."

"I'm sure you are," I replied quietly, before turning back to my page. I'd really never noticed how attractive he was for someone like himself. Most of the punks nowadays just looked like forty year old crack addicts in high school. It was actually kind of sad. Oakland wasn't the best area. 

"Yknow I know you from somewhere," he told me when he hopped back on the table in front of me again, trying to look at what I'd been writing.

"A lot of people know me," I answered, crossing out a mistake on my paper. I hated trying to write songs but sometimes it went alright so I tried anyways. He looked at me with a confused look before I showed him the inside of my patched jean jacket. "And I know people."

His face held a form of shock that made him seem almost impressed and angry at the same time. "So you're the one who's been stealing my business." 

I knew about the thing deals he had with people. 'Two Dollar Bill' they called him. It was kind of cute except the stuff was as weak as shit. Why not sell strong stuff for a couple bucks more? 

"I'm not stealing anything. I have a better dealer," I affirmed, barely focusing on the conversation until my notebook was suddenly snatched from underneath me by Billie. 

"Yknow this isn't bad," he coached, looking through my book before I grabbed it out of his hands.

"Yeah I know it isn't," I hissed, feeling my face turn a little blush color. I hated people reading my stuff. It didn't matter if it was good or not"Calm down there sweetheart. I'm not one to judge ya," he defended, following me up the stairs to the second floor of the library after I picked up my stuff. This kid didn't know personal space. 

"Look I think you need to relax," he said grinning as he reached over and opened my jacket to see the weed again. He did have a point. We were in here for five and a half more hours. More than enough time to get down from the high plus I did need a load off. It was turning into a weird day.

*Time Skip*

"And so that's when Tre decided that running bare ass naked onto their set would be a good idea," he finished laughing as we leaned against each other on the top of the staircase just laughing at nothing. Billie Joe was a pretty chill guy and pretty hot too. It was kind of sad how horny weed made me sometimes but I ignored it. We'd smoked about two joints each by then and the high was as strong as it was gonna be for the day because those were coming out of my own pocket.

"Yknow you're really pretty," he slurred, playing with my hair as he laughed and laid his head on my shoulder. 

"Shut up," I snickered, pointing his chubby cheeks. They were cute.

He kept saying things like that for the next couple of hours, even when it was obvious that he was down from his high but I brushed him off. There was no way a guy like Billie Joe would go out with a stoner chick that no one really knew except for when they need some. I'd seen his ex girlfriends and I was nothing like them.

Once we were back to normal and the clock had timed out, the door suddenly opened, revealing the douche bag teacher again. 

"Alright, you're free to go. See you in here next week Michaela," he told us, smirking at me when I walked by him, giving him a dirty look.

Billie and I walked together through the doors of school and to the front of the school before we stopped in front of each other. I knew that I'd probably never talk with him the way we did today. We were the same but different. People didn't picture us being friends or anything more than that.

I stared up at him blushing, before he cupped my cheek with one of his hands. 

"I'm serious Mica. I really do like ya."

"You're friends probably don't," I murmured, looking down as his touch still burned on my skin.

"That doesn't bother me," he admitted before leaning down to my height and planting a soft kiss on my lips. Not one of just plain want but one of passion and maybe even a hint of love. I knew that this wouldn't be the first time I'd kiss Billie Joe but once the kiss ended, I couldn't think of anything else. 

I carefully ripped a patch off of my jacket and put it in the palm of his hand. It wasn't anything special but I wanted him to have it. I wanted the words 'RevRad' to stick in his head and one his jacket. 

He smiled up at me with that cute little grin he always gave before a car honked and made me jump.

"That's my brother," I said sheepishly as he nodded and slipped the patch in his pocket.

"What does 'RevRad' mean?" he asked after I kissed his cheek and started walking to my car.

"Revolution Radio!" I called up to him before opening the passenger door. "See you at Gilman's this Sunday."

He held up a thumbs up before he started walking backwards, not taking his eyes off of me until I left the parking lot.

"I'm so telling Mom."

(Here it is! Kinda of shit but it's all I could think of personally. Sorry. But yeah that was your last request so I hope that you like them all and I'll talk to y'all soon)

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