||Dave Grohl (Nirvana) #2||

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(For xoxNirvanaxox !!! I hope you enjoy! Sorry this took so long but I hope you like it! I wrote this instead of doing PE soo yeah XD and I just realized this is like my other Dave Grohl Nirvana era one... Great job Av..enjoy! :))

||Lainey's POV||

We must've been sitting there for hours, just waiting. All that could be heard was nervous taps and sighs as we waiting for the phone call. I'd always thought that you were supposed to be comfortable in your own household, but it felt like the total opposite for me.

Dave was waiting for a callback with this band, Nirvana, whose demo he'd shown me a couple months before. Him being my best friend, I was happy for him of course, but I dreaded what'd follow.

He'd get the job, he'd move to Washington, he'd forget all about the life he had back here... And I hated that because I was apart of it. It was like losing the love of your life. Actually, that's exactly what it was.

Nirvana wasn't exactly famous yet but they did have quite the following, not to mention, they were fucking amazing.

The phone, without warning, startled us when it started to ring off the wall. Dave jumped up of the cushion next to me and grabbed the phone, almost forgetting to breathe.

"Hello?!" He said in a hurry, before his face turned a bit red. "Stop hogging the line! I have more important shit to do than to listen to your stupid weight loss diet!"

He slammed the phone back into the hook, making me cringe at the sound, still on the sofa on edge. He rubbed his face in stress, before sitting next to me on the couch.

"Yknow, I'm happy for ya," I murmured, making him look up at me.

"I haven't even gotten the call yet," he sighed matter-of-factly. "Nothing to be happy for."

"But yknow you're gonna get the gig... And you're gonna move out there," I said quietly, looking at my feet, avoiding his gaze.

"If I get the gig, I'll have to, yeah... But that's if."

"There's is no 'if', Dave! You're gonna leaving," I exclaimed in a sudden outburst that shocked me just as much as it did him.

I didn't want him to go. He couldn't go.

"Lain, I..."

"No... Just save it. You're leaving me," I whispered, feeling the heat in my face. I started to boil. I wasn't gonna cry, I was mad. He was the only one left and he was trying to leave too.

"I am not... I'm leaving this crappy town," he countered, sounding like every depressed kid ever.

"Same thing... If you're leaving, I'm coming with you," I replied, taking a shot of courage. I couldn't be alone anymore. I couldn't do it.

"Lainey, you can't," he sighed, putting a hand on my knee, which almost instantly made me angrier.

"Look, if you're trying to get away from me, just say so!"

"Why would I want to be away from the girl I love?! Do you think this is easy?" He yelled, making my eyes widen in shock, as I saw his face harden.

"Ah shit..." He muttered, my mouth didn't seem to be able to close, but I finally was able to form sentences after a few moments.

"Don't leave me then."

"It's not that easy! You have school-"

"I'll drop out," I stated, still not believing what he had said.

"I'm not letting you do that!" He said with anger in his voice, either coming from what he'd said or from myself.

"You did! I countered.

"I'm not gonna have you live the life I do! I want you to get your ballroom floor and your perfect house with rose red doors. That's something I can give you!"

I stared at him with my jaw clenched in anger. He was like all the others. He was gonna leave me.

"I can't believe I ever trusted you. 'Lain, I'll never leave you'... 'Just wait till we're older Lain!' Bullshit! You have no idea what love is because if so I'd be packing my bags."

His face held an expression that I couldn't read but it looked like hopelessness. I wasn't gonna leave, this was my house... But it was Dave's too. I was stuck in the middle.

"Look at me," he murmured, pulling my chin up to face him. He looked scared almost and that scared me. "I'm not gonna leave you-"

"But you'll -"

"Let me finish... I will be away for three months until you graduate. When that happens, if this whole thing even does, I'm coming back and you're coming with me... I'd never leave you, Lain," he said softly, pulling me into his chest.

I stayed quiet, nodding at his agreement, and laid there with him until I heard the sounds of Satan. The telephone.

Dave slowly got up and answered it, a lot more calm than the first time.

"Hello? Yes, this is he... That's amazing. Thank you so much... I will... Thank you sir."

He hung up the phone about the same time I hung up my emotions. Three months, that's it. Three months...

(Sorry this was so short! It seemed longer on paper)

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