||Jon Bon Jovi (Bon Jovi) #1||

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(For defjovipoison !! I'm so sorry this took forever, gosh, I'm so bad at this but I hope ya enjoy it. This is my first Jon one so I'm excited and I hope it'll go well. I hope ya enjoy and thanks so much for the long wait! PS this is in Jon's POV so let's see how this goes😂)

||Jon's POV||

I couldn't help but just stare at her. She was something else, something different, something I needed to get to know better.

Ever since I'd been coming to this dive of a bar, I'd always see her here, having feisty comebacks for all the guys who hit on her and working her ass off for the less than half chance of a good tip.

She worked hard and was dedicated and I wanted her.

It wasn't just a lust thing, not just physical. I heard her talk. I knew her views on political events and the world today. I knew that she had a good taste in music for she was in charge of the radio and nothing but rock n roll played through those speakers.

Not to mention, she knew who I was. She knew who I was and she wasn't flipping her shit or wanting me to fuck her then and there. She seemed like she didn't care. I mean I knew she was a fan, she sang to my stuff all the time, but she was a psycho fan and that's what attracted me the most.

As I continued my daydream about the girl over the counter, I was interrupted by Richie, who wasn't oblivious to my staring.

"Why don't ya just talk to her man?"

"Shut up, I'm not gonna ruin it," I sighed, gulping down the rest of my beer as I leaned back in my chair.

"Look, a girl like her isn't gonna go after you. You gotta get to her first before someone else does. That's what they do man. It's like a damsel in distress dude... You gotta save her," he stated like it was a known fact within the male community.

"Oh yeah.. Well, how am I supposed to do that?" I asked him, expecting to get a dumb answer back but I didn't. It was actually pretty smart.

"Look figure out when she's off. That way when you ask her out, she doesn't have work as an excuse. Then you just ask her out man. I've seen her look at you. Go for it dude!"

I sighed, afraid about how this was going to work out.

The bar she worked at was a very famous one on the Strip in Hollywood. Rockstars came in there all the time. The Rainbow Bar was as famous as Hollywood itself. But there was only one reason why I always came into the Rainbow. It wasn't to see Lemmy beat his high score at the stupid bar games or to watch Slash down three bottles of Jack like it was nothing. I came here for her.. and maybe the music but mostly her.

I slowly walked up to the bar, greeting some of the people I'd grown to know from being at this place. They were obviously alcoholics but then again who wasn't in Hollywood?

I watched as she filled up a pint of Coors for some guy a little ways down the bar. She had such grace even if she was just giving people beers. After that she walked back up my way and stood there for a second, looking as I admired her, smirking.

"What can I get you Jon?" she said, laughing a little bit. I quickly snapped out of it, realizing that she was talking to me.

"Uhh just a Guinness, thanks.."

She nodded, walking to the big freezer and taking out a bottle for me. She knew that I liked drinking from the bottle better.

"Anything else?" she asked politely, watching as I nervously took a drink of the alcohol. It was now or never and I'd much rather fail than not even try.

"I wanted to know if-"

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot," she answered, grinning before I even finished my sentence.

"How'd you-"

"Your friend over there talks pretty loud. I'd love to go out with ya. My shift ends in twenty minutes. Let me finish up and we can go do something," she said, blushing a little bit. I liked that. It was cute.

I was kind of blown away but smiled like an idiot as I spoke. "Yeah, cool. Awesome, yeah," I stuttered, walking back to my table as she laughed at my stupidity, giving me a little wave before getting back to work.

Once I got to the table, I quickly slapped Richie on the back of the head.

"Dude, what's that for?!"

"For being a loud son of a bitch."

But I almost couldn't blame him, for I may have not of been able to ask her out if she hadn't already heard.

(Here we go! I'm so sorry this took forever. I go back to sleep in two weeks so I'm trying to hurry and get these all done before homework comes alot. Sorry if it sucks... Talk to y'all soon)

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