||Krist Novoselic (Nirvana) #2||

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(For LarsFlowerCrown !! I'm sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy! And look at him right here, damn Krist you fucking model XD)

||Steph's POV||

My alarm clock blasted 'School' in my ear as I groaned. As the song stated, I had to get up to go to hell with no recess.

I moaned, slamming my hand down on the snooze button. It was hard to get up but I had to do it. "Two more months," I told myself, stretching my back and arms before scooting out of bed.

I stumbled to the bathroom right as my older brother, Luke, came out of the shower.

"If you want a ride be ready in 30," he muttered, brushing past me to his lair of smelly football gear and sports shit. At least I was practical.

Putting on my usual mascara and eyeliner and straightening my hair, I slowly walked back to my room to get dressed.

It was a Tuesday and although it felt like a Monday, we were almost up the hill. That's what I called it. Monday you start up, Tuesday you get more than halfway, and Wednesday you get on top of the mountain. Then Thursday and Friday comes along and you just gotta walk down.

I opened my closet, yawning while randomly pulling out a flannel jacket, or a flacket as I say.

It was too early. I could barely keep my eyes open as I walked downstairs to find my brother waiting at the door.

"You take to long, God," he muttered, walking out the front door as I huffed and picked up my backpack following him.

I was a sophomore and he was a senior... A senior pain in the ass. I had my license too, just not a car like he did. The perfect child always get what they want.

I sat shotgun, sighing when my back hit the seat. I was so sore all the time.

"I have to pick up someone on the way so you'll be sitting in back once we stop at his house," Luke commanded. He acted like he was the boss, like he had the upper hand. I could fucking walk if I wanted to, I didn't have to get rides from him.

"Yeah whatever. Is it girlfriend number four or five," I said sarcastically, as he brushed it off.

"No, it's this guy named Krist. And you better not be a jerk to him like you are to most people."

"That's because I don't like people," I murmured, slumping forward as we sped off toward his friend's house.

Why couldn't this kid just get a ride from his mom or something? And since when were him and Luke friends?

I don't think I'd ever heard my brother mention him before and I was sure I'd never seen him before. My brother was a jock like all the other at our school, quarterback of the football team, and I, his sister, the weird stoner chick who didn't have friends.

I didn't care that it was like that, in fact I liked my role in society. Sure, the looks were annoying but I didn't have to kiss butt to be popular. I had no worries and no one to impressed. I liked it that way.

We drove for a bit before we slowly pulled up alongside a small house. It was a bit like ours but a little more beat up, really nice though.

I jumped into the backseat before Luke started to yell at me about the shoe prints on the airbag.

"They wash off," I said quietly before looking down in my lap. I didn't even want to look at this Krist guy. I mean I didn't have a problem with him, I just wasn't in the mood to shoot back at him for saying something about the way I dressed or something. Sorry that guys flannels are comfortable.

I heard a door open as my brother greeted the mystery guy.

"Hey Krist, excuse her. I have to drive her," he said in disgust as I looked up a bit to see two large eyes staring back at mine, almost as if in a trance. Two beautiful eyes connected to a beautiful person.

I felt my cheeks get hot as I quickly looked back down and started playing with the strap of the seatbelt.

"No it's fine," Krist finally said, after clearing his throat and putting on his seatbelt as well.

We started driving again and the whole car was silent. I wondered if my brother was even really friends with this guys or if he just owed him something. Either way, the guy was hot and I mean smoking.

There was something about him different, maybe his height which I could tell was tall from the way his knee were bent on the floorboard.

I sneaked a couple of looks at him during the ride there, but most I kept looking eyes with him as he sneaked looks as well.

I don't know if he hadn't seen anyone that dressed like me or something but he seemed hypnotized by me. Almost like he could take his eyes off of me.

About five minutes later, we finally got to school.

"Bye," I murmured, jumping out off the car before it even parked and hurrying towards my locker. Krist made my heart beat faster than normal and I was scared. I was confused.

I walked up to the steel lockers and undid the lock. Inside was nothing special, a Led Zeppelin sticker and a magnet that said 'Welcome To Aberdeen'.

I shoved my books messily in there, just wanted some peace and quiet to myself.

I closed my locker door, with had hidden the face of Krist. He leaned against the lockers staring at me the same he was in the car, with something almost like admiration.

"Uhh hi," he said quietly, as I stared back instantly blushing.

"Hi," I whispered looking down at my laces which were untied.

"Umm tell your brother thank for the drive. He owed me but still," he said softly, as I nodded, getting the full story. I knew he wasn't popular, I'd never seen him before.

"Soo uh... I wanted to almost ask if you wanted to skip first two periods with me. I mean you don't have to but yknow... You interest me," he said, obviously embarrassed about what he'd said.

"Will anyone else be there?" I asked, pulling my bag on my shoulder.

"Just us."

"Okay.." I said after a few seconds. "Do you have smokes though? I'm tried and need something to watch me up," I smiled a little bit making him smile a lot.

"Deal come on," he hurried, dragging my by the hand off to somewhere where no one could find us. To the place where did realize that I'd met the love of my life.

(Here we go! I don't know, once again, how bad this one is but I tried. And holy shit you guys... There's a new kid at my school and I swear to god he's just like me. Likes all the same bands, same style, same everything... It's crazy and I think I might just like him too....)

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