||Krist Novoselic (Nirvana) #1||

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For TheSwedishNerd !! (Thanks so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy :3 even thought it sucks so much)

||Agnes' POV||

I walked down the wet streets of Aberdeen, trying to close my umbrella from the rainfall a couple minutes ago. That's how it was here. It rained then stopped, and rained again and stopped...again.

Dave had told me to come meet the last member of his new band, Krist. I'd met Kurt before, we were introduced a couple weeks before over dinner at some diner down the road.

That was the thing about Aberdeen, or Washington in general. Everyone knew where everything was. There was always a best burger place and a best coffee shop, but it was always different for each of those people. No one here could agree, and maybe that's why I hated it so much.

It was also the start of the Christmas season meaning shopping, hot chocolate, and cold weather. I hated almost all of those. Hot chocolate was pretty good though if I must admit it.

As I walked into bar Dave told me to meet him in, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. Just hearing about this Krist guy made my heart swell and my cheeks redden. I'd never even seen the guy but he sounded almost perfect to me. And I'd never felt that way about anyone before.

I shuffled my feet on the doorstep before I walked in and looked around for Grohl. Although, it wasn't that hard to find him, he always seem to blend into the crowds easily. Something I wish I could do most of the time.

I started to make my way through the massive amount of people, before I tripped over a step that I didn't see. I quickly put my arms out in front of me, hoping for them to catch my fall but they never did.

A long arm held me up by the waist, and I was only about a foot away from the ground when my eyes opened.

"Careful there, wouldn't wanna mess up that pretty face of yours," a man said, as he pulled me into a standing position and all I could do was stare.

He was tall and I mean huge, like 6'5 or more! He had the kindest eyes and the funniest smile that just made me melt.

"T-thank you," I stuttered, his arm still around my waist before he cleared his throat and took it back.

"Well, watching you fall in front of everyone wouldn't make my day and probably not yours either," he admitted, smirking at me. The red in my cheeks got darker, as he held out his hand.

"Let's start that over. Hi, my name is Kr-"

He was cut of but Dave jumping in between us and giving me a hug.

"Agnes! Dude finally! We've been waiting forever! You got caught in the rain, huh?" Dave slurred, throwing an arm over my shoulder, trying to steady himself. He obviously had some drinks before I got here.

"Yeah..." I laughed, the brightest in my cheeks slowly disappearing until the man spoke again.

"Wait, you're Agnes?!" He smiled, looking down at me with something that looked like admiration.

"Yeah, why?"

"Let's start that over. Hi, my name is Krist," he repeated, as my eyes widened.

If this was the Krist Novoselic Dave was talking about, I sure as hell wanted to hang around with these guys more.

"Holy crap," I laughed, walking over to him and giving him a hug before I continued, "That's a 'Hello' and a 'Thank You.'"

He blushed, and Dave burst out again.

"Ohhh! Somebody like Agnes!" He teased, stumbling back over to the bar for drinks.

"If I knew Dave was gonna bring a princess over here to meet me, I would've dressed up nicer," he said, smiling the same goofy smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, come on! I didn't come here not to get drunk," I joked, pulling him towards Dave where all the drinks were.

As I got a beer for the both of us, he pulled me aside for a second.

"Hey, uhh, I know we just kind met and stuff, but uhh do ya made wanna go somewhere sometime. I mean, of course, you go places sometimes, but do you wanna go to a place with me. But not like a date! I mean unless you want it to be a date because I'm totally co-" I quickly cut off his blabbering with a kiss on the cheek and smiled at him.

"Of course I'll go somewhere with you sometime on a date. Now come on! Let's party!"

I honestly wished I knew that I'd meet the love of my life that night, but damn, was it a surprise when I figure that out that next morning when I woke up next to him.

(I'm so sorry, this sucked so bad!)

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