||Tyler Joseph (TØP) #1||

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(I just needed to make this. I am truly disgusted right now. If someone is putting on a show for you, you do NOT make it more difficult for them and or do anything disrespectful or crazy. Just because you have a chance to make contact with someone you like doesn't mean you hoard them and tear the clothes off of their backs. This whole situation really scares me. I hope you enjoy.)

||Robin's POV||

I stood beside stage as I watched my boyfriend and his best friend take stage. The screams from their fans were almost deafening but I was used to it. People really loved them and they were finally here.

Reading. They'd done it. A while ago it was only a dream but here they were. The night couldn't get any better. Or so that's what we thought.

They opened up with their Blurryface header 'Heavydirtysoul' like always but by 'Holding On To You' started to come out of Josh's drums, I could feel my stomach become weird. I felt like something bad was gonna happen and soon.

The pit had become rowdier than usual and started to look like something out of a punk show, not from a guy with pink hair and another one who played the ukulele. It seemed strange but I didn't think much of it. England was different than America and a lot of the people there were different from what we were used to. I was getting paranoid though.

I watched as Tyler sang his heart out and smiled at me from the corner of his eye as he preformed in front of the thousands of people. He was in heaven at the moment, I could tell. He'd been waiting for this moment forever, Josh too. It seemed like he'd be in that bliss forever. And then the pause hit.

Tyler jumped into the crowd like he always did but this time it was different. He usually stood but at the moment, he tried swimming through the bodies in the pit like they were water coming off of his palms. He couldn't get the right grip to stand. He knew that they wouldn't hold him up like usual.

I looked over at Josh in a hurry to see his expression but it was a little hard to read while he beat on the drums like no tomorrow. I wasn't until there was a pause and he could look my way when I saw the fear in his eyes. He felt it too. He knew that the crowd was too rowdy. Something wasn't gonna go well. What is what scared me the most.

Tyler continued trying to surf to the massive tower that he usually climbed up in the middle of the show but was visibly having a difficult time. I knew that it was too good to be true.

Earlier in the set, when Josh rode his drums across the pit like he always did, he wasn't being held up very well but I didn't think much of it then. I figured that it had to be hard trying to help hold a drum set up on top of yourself but I didn't think that that was the case anymore.

I kept my eyes on Tyler making sure that he was alright. A moment later, I figured that if I walked into the other room to grab something, nothing would change but I was wrong. As I stepped into their dressing room to grab a bottle of water, I suddenly heard the crowd get louder than ever even with the song not even being close to done. Something was wrong.

I hurried out back to where I was to see Tyler gone from my sight. He was visibly no where on top of the pit and that only meant one thing. He fell in. I felt my breath hitch. It wasn't like he hadn't accidentally fallen through before but it was a lot different this time, especially with the rowdy crowd.

I looked at the worry in Josh's eyes as he continued playing for he knew that it would be what Tyler would want him to do. After a couple of seconds, I saw his body rise to the surface again but only for a moment and his mask was gone. I couldn't see his face but I had a feeling I almost wouldn't be able to see it either. I bet that it held fear and panic, two emotions that I feel people should never have to experience if they don't want to. But he had no choice.

I could see the security heading through the crowd to try and get to him but it was almost pointless. He was being basically thrown around in every direction possible. I felt my jaw drop down as I watched him get trampled in between the thousands. It hurt me to see him so in control of himself.

I felt tears come to the corners of my eyes as Josh looked at me with an expression that said all: Never again.

I stared into the crowd, hoping for the best until my heart dropped. Tyler had held on to his mic. He was yelling for them to stop and for Josh but nothing was being done. The mic was on for everyone to hear. I heard him from what seemed like miles away and even still, they continued.

I wasn't going to blame this on BBC but they wouldn't escorted him to the tower. The only way he could get over there was by crowd surfing. It was just an all around bad scene.

After he finally got to the tower and climbed to the top, I could see how disoriented he was. He shirt was pretty much all torn off and his shoes were missing, along with the mask. He was trying to keep himself calm but I could see the anger and fear still in his eyes.

Another song was tried to play but after a few moments, Tyler spoke again. "We gotta quit. I'm sorry. Josh, we're done... We're twenty øne piløts and so are you. Goodnight."

The lights in the stadium went out as I watched Josh run over to me with anxiety written all over his face. He seemed as scared for him as I was when he pulled me into a hug and wiped the tears off my cheeks with his thumps.

"What was that?" I asked quietly, not even knowing what to do. I didn't even get an answer from him before he tore away from me to run to Tyler who had just walked through the backstage door.

He'd taken the ripped shirt off but the red skin from all the hands and sweat remained as he and Josh embraced. They were like brothers. It was really something.

Josh spoke to him for a second before he pulled away for me to see him. I stared at him from over Josh's shoulder as I wiped my tears once more. He gave me a painful smile before I ran up and embraced him like Josh had but more needy.

I could feel his breath hitch a bit like he was trying to hold back his emotions but I soon felt a wetness on my shoulder. That's what made me the most angry. He'd joke about it later but right now, it scared the crap out of him.

It was something I'd never be able to put together. How people could do that to someone they claim to love.

(Here we go. I'm sorry but this whole thing just pissed me off. I get that people are making a very big deal about it but it just makes me mad how people act sometimes. They didn't even get to the best part of their set and it was ruined. They didn't even play 'Trees". It's just something I can't comprehend I guess. Sorry for this but honestly some of you will like this..)

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