||Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots) #1||

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(This took me a long while to write because I couldn't stop thinking about him while doing it, it hurt... Such a huge loss for me personally, so this is for you, Scott. Enjoy)

||Sami's POV||

Waiting on a Sunday afternoon
for what I read between the lines,
your lies.

That's all he seemed to do nowadays. Sit in the basement, play some of his old songs from Purple, and mop.

It wasn't caused by anything really. Just depression I guess, and drugs... A lot of them.

I slowly walked down the basement stair into the sounds of 'Interstate Love Song'. I looked down over the railing as I watched him accidentally mess up again, get pissed, and throw his bottle of beer on the floor, smashing everywhere.



He slowly looked up at me and back down at his mess.

"I'll clean it up later," he murmured, repositioning himself on his stool and lined his fingers back onto the strings.

"Scott... Please talk to me," I said softly, sitting down on the old couch we had down there.

"There's nothing to talk about, Sam. So just stop trying. I'll be up soon, just leave me alone."

"Scott, you don't understand..."

"I do understand!" He yelled, throwing his acoustic against the wall in anger, watching it smash into pieces. "Why do people keep telling me that I don't understand?!"

I could see the tears and fear in his eyes. The drugs, they were getting to him. He didn't think substance abuse was a thing, not for himself anyways, but I knew what this was. I'd seen it before. My father was the same way.

"Please, talk to me. I haven't had a conversation with you in weeks. Have you forgotten me?" I whispered, looking down at my feet.

"I don't know what you want me to do Sam. There's nothing to say," he addressed, grabbing another beer out of the mini fridge we had down here for rehearsals and stuff.

"Please... Drink something else," I blurted, not ready for what was to happen next.

With my words, a second bottle was smashed onto the floor, making it practically impossible to walk without cutting myself now.

"Can I not do anything anymore?!" He boomed, tears rolling down his face as he sat in the broken glass.

"Scott, stop!" I begged, jumping up and trying to pull him up and out of the broken glass, cutting my feet in the process.

"Why does it even matter?" He muttered, slumping onto the couch after I pulled him up.

You could see the blood from the cuts on his hands and my feet covering the floor, but I didn't care anymore.

"Please stop," I repeating, sitting on the spot next to him, bawling into his flannel shirt. He'd worn the same one for almost three days straight now.

"Why does this hurt you?"

"Because I fucking love you Scott! I can't stand seeing you drink and take all these weird pills and shit, and then getting mad at everything because of them. It hurts seeing you mad and in pain. When you feel pain so do I," I admitted, feeling him slowly sit up but still holding me to his side.

"Your feet are bleeding, Sam," he murmured, sitting up and trying to take a look at them.

"Stop trying to change the subject! It doesn't matter, you're cut up and so am I! When you hurt so do I."

"You have no idea how hard it is."

"No I don't, that's why I've been trying to be patient, but it's killing me not seeing you try. So please, try," I whispered, taking his hand in mine as I pull out a little shard of a Coors Lite bottle.

"I will..." He murmured, pulling me into him as we both crying into each other's arms for a while until we started feeling pain again.

"This is gonna be a son of a bitch to kill up," I muttered, earning a soft smile from Scott.

"Our hands and feet, yes. The floor, I got that covered."

"You know, just because you're some rockstar, doesn't mean you gotta spend money on maids and stuff," I chuckled, as he lifted me into his arms so we could go clean ourselves up.

"Yeah, but it also means I can, so I will."

I laugh and thank him as I'm airlifted to the bathroom, where I thought taking out the glass wouldn't be easiest. Yknow, if it was easy at all.

(Sorry this sucked... I have no idea where I got this idea... I'm really depressed over this whole Scott thing though, I'm shocked honestly. I mean I knew he had a problem, but never so badly. I hope some of you enjoyed though...)

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