||Dave Grohl (Nirvana) #1||

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(For sjohann417 !! I hope you enjoy and sorry if it sucks and that it took so longXD also people have been asking where I get my ideas... Honestly I think about how shit can happen way too much so... Ya... Also THANKS FOR 2K FUCKING READS!!! That's amazing thank you all so much! It means the world to me that you like my work. Enjoy :))

||Avery's POV||

I was the daughter of the devil himself and an angel in white or that's what Dave said anyways. But how could that help me? I knew what song those lyrics were from. Copyright...

I sat on my couch with the big ass journal Kurt had given me last Christmas.

"Write an essay about who you think you are and how you will be in the future," I repeated, getting even more frustrated at the thought of this whole thing.

"What's up buttercup?" I heard Dave say as he walked through the front door of my house, almost immediately being greeted by my dog, Buddha.

"The dog or me?" I sighed, putting my notebook next to me. I rose off the couch almost instantly being crushed in a bearhug.

"You of course," he smiled, gently kissing me before picking up my book.

"Who do you think you are?" He repeated, looking through the million page packet of directions. "What's this about?"

"Lit... I'm stumped," I muttered, flopping on to the couch.

Dave had been out of high school for awhile while I was on my last year.

"What'd you do for yours?" I asked, picking up my notepad again trying to get inspiration. "Oh never mind."

"Hey, don't be like me. I want you to at least finish high school babe. Mostly so Steve doesn't thing I'm that bad of an influence but still," he joked, taking about my dad.

He was rarely ever around, not like he could be here if he wanted to though. My dad has been in the Air Force since I could remember, and who knows where my mom was. I think that's why he was always away. I reminded him too much of her.

"He hasn't even met you... I doubt he even will," I muttered, doodling on the sides of the paper.

"What do ya mean?" He asked, sitting next to me as Buddha came around for more attention.

"I haven't since him in six months. Who knows where he could be... He could be dead for all I know," I said, the last part more quiet than the rest.

"Don't say that," he sighed, pulling my side into his. "I know he's gonna be fine."

"Whatever," I coughed, sitting up straight and trying to get focused on the task at hand.

"Hey, come on now. What do you think about yourself?" he questioned, trying his best to help.

"Nothing good.." I murmured.

"Wrong. Now look at it this way. What can you do that others can't? What do you want to be when you grow up? What are you doing now to try to get to that dream?"

"I don't know, motivational speaker Grohl," I teased, peering over at my mom's guitar in the corner of the room.

Dave followed my gaze and stood up to grab the guitar.

"Here. You can play guitar right? Not everyone can do that!"

"But a lot of people can," I responded, hating how negative I was sounding but couldn't help it.

"Ave, look at me," he breathed, pulling my chin up to look at his face. "You made me fall in love with you in just a look. You can do that. Every time I see you around other guys, you make me want to kill them. You can do that. Every time I look into your eyes, I fall in love all over again. You can do that."

I blushed deeply, looking back down. "Well, you should write this essay then," I teased, before continuing. "A little cheesy there don't you think?"

"Who said a little cheese was ever a bad thing?" He chuckled, plopping back down on the couch next to me. "Now that you have that idea, relax a bit. Hang out with me."

"It had to be done by Friday..."

"Yeah, but I have to leave tomorrow." He said a bit quietly almost like he didn't want me to hear, but my shocked expression couldn't be hidden.

"What do ya mean you're leaving? Where??" I asked, almost in complete fear. I was always left behind, always.

"This band wants me to be their new drummer, Ave. Nirvana! Remember the tape I sent you, Bleach? They actually want me to record with them," he exclaimed, a bit hesitantly though.

"Oh... What about Pete?" I murmured, looking down into my lap.

"I already told him... He doesn't want to talk to me again.." He softly said, trying to read my face.

"How long?"

"Two months.." he said quietly, as I felt my eyes become heavy.

Two months with no human contact. Two months without the only person who actually loved me. Two months alone with someone I hated, myself.

"Well... I hope you like them," I muttered, standing up and walking to the kitchen. I walked over to the cabinet to grab a glass and wiped a tear off my cheek with my sleeve. Two months... Those words were haunting me...

"Avery, I-" I heard Dave stress behind me before I quickly turned around.

"No it's fine," I cut him off. "It your job.."

"Ave, you know I'd ask you to go but-"

"I know, I'm not aloud. I've heard it before, Dave. This is exactly what happened in Europe," I murmured, brushing against his shoulder to get to the fridge.

"But that was for eight months, this is only for-"

"Two I know... But you seemed to have forgotten what even happened then.." I countered, walking back out of the kitchen and to my room locking the door.

"Avery, I'm sorry. This is my job, I have to do this!" He exclaimed, pounding on the door, making all the posters hanging in my room shake.

I wasn't even gonna try and answer him. Not today anyways. I don't remember how long he stood there before giving up but it seemed to be awhile.

He was gone for two months, probably longer but I wouldn't know. I stayed in my room most of the time. I was alone.

My dad never came back either. Only a couple of days after he left, the soldiers came knocking at my door with a letter thanking him for his services. He was gone just like I'd said.

I honestly wished I remember how many days I went without eating. Maybe four or five, five or six? Who knows.

All I knew is that I'd never felt so broken in those last two months than I ever had before. Not to mention, going through it alone was the hardest part.

(Alright here ya go! I'm sorry most of my one shots end up sad... I'm a pretty dark person I guess.. But ya hope ya enjoyed and request if ya want one :)

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