||Paul McCartney (The Beatles) #1||

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(For MicaTheQueen !! I'm surprised I actually haven't done a Paul on yet. I love him so much man. I'm sorry these are coming out so slow but it's kind of hard to be honest but I'm not complaining. I love writing for you guys. I hope you enjoy and thanks so much for requesting :))

||Michaela's POV||

I couldn't believe that that had just happened. I was currently walking back and forth through the park by my flat, trying to figure out how something like this could happen. I kissed Paul McCartney, my brother's best friend. Fucking hell. What kind of a monster was I?

I mean it wasn't like it wasn't consensual. I kissed him back, it's just..I don't even know. I wasn't gonna lie and say that I never had a crush on Paul. He was one of the sweetest and handsome guys I'd ever known but if I would've known that he liked me back or at least I think he did... God, what was I doing.

It all happened when we were in John's flat and I started cooking dinner. I don't even remember what I was doing or what had led up to it but seconds later, Paul spun me around and just kissed me! No warning or nothing. Don't get me wrong, it was nice, really nice, maybe even too nice but I wouldn't have been so distrait if Geo hadn't seen. He was gonna tell John. John would kill Paul and then me as well. 

After that I didn't know what to do so I did what I do best, running away from situations. Literally. I was out that door in a matter of seconds and somehow I ended up here at ten at night, thinking about what I'd done and how it could've gone better or not even happen at all. I liked the kiss a lot, I liked Paul a lot but being John's little sister, I couldn't date him. The fans couldn't know something like that and honestly, neither could John. He was so fucking overprotective.

I must've looked insane, breathing heavily and almost pulling my hair out, walking circles around the swing set before finally sitting down. I stressed so much about stuff like that. Stupid stuff that could potentially turn bad. But I never thought about if they could turn good. I had the worst anxiety over stuff like that and right now, my head felt like it was spinning.

I continued walking and whispering to myself until I heard someone clear their throat to get my attention. It was John, looking angry but sympathetic at the same time. I knew he knew. And he must've known how scared I was because he said this: "I just wanna talk 'bout it, alright?"

I nodded quietly and sat on a swing while John sat next to me, looking at me with such sympathy. He knew I hated when stuff like this happened but this was all new. I didn't know how to deal with this. I knew I liked but I felt like I had to impress everyone else and no one would like us together.

"Why did ya do it?" he asked after a few moments of silence, trying to seem calm to make me chill out a little but I could sense that he was mad.

"I didn't do anything," I replied, almost in a whisper. I was trying to tell myself that but it didn't seem to be working. I kissed back. I liked it and he knew that too. John could read me like a book. I didn't even know why he bothered asking me these questions. He probably knew about everything that happened and Paul was probably putting ice on a black eye.

"Quit it with the bullshit. I know ya kissed him back, Geo told me but why is my question."

"I don't know.."

"Yes you do. Do you like him Michaela? And the truth please. I'm tired of having things kept from me by you," he demanded but in his normal voice.

I nodded a little bit, causing him to sigh and start leaning back on the swing to push himself.

"What am I gonna do knowing that you're gonna be fucking my best mate, Mica?" he said like it was a joke but I knew he was serious. But did that mean Paul actually liked me too? I mean that kiss could've been a dare for all I knew.

"He likes me too?" I asked quietly yet hopefully, turning to see John smile a little bit but not much.

"He's crazy about ya..."

I couldn't help but feel my face get hot but inside I felt good again knowing that at least John wasn't gonna stay mad or ignore us or anything if we did end up getting together.

"Where is he?" I questioned, getting up. I needed to find him. To explain why I ran and to tell him that I liked him too.

"Emergency room," he said casually like he was always there or something.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"You actually thought I'd just let him get away with that? Psh ya right. The kid's getting like five stitches or something. Not too shabby if I do say so myself," he told me, matter-of-factly like he was proud of hurting my new boyfriend.. well I guess that's what he was.

"You're apologizing yknow," I told him as I made my way to my car, going to see the guy who made me so confused yet intrigued me at the same time, with my overprotective brother behind me.

(Okay, this is was really stupid and I'm sorry. I'll try and make the others better but I just honestly didn't know what to do with this one. I apologize and I'll talk to y'all soon)

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