||Jim Morrison (The Doors) #1||

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(For NereaDHM !! Sorry this took forever but I hope ya like it :) I've been listening to a lot of the Doors lately so I'm really excited to do this one. Also thanks for 7000 reads!!! What the actual fuck?! I love you guys so much, you don't even know. Enjoy :))

||Echo's POV||

"Poetry, eh?" you chuckled, handling the notebook with care as Jim tackled you to try and get it back.

"Hey! Come on. It's personal," he said, climbing over me as I held the book up as high as I could.

Jim had decided that it'd be a nice day to just sit in the park since we finally had a day off.

College sucked. I wasn't interested at all and I thought something was wrong with me. Jim seemed to enjoy some of it but even then I found it totally inconvenient and stupid. But I never said that to Jim. There's be too many questions asked and too many solutions to how to solve those problems. I just wanted to drop out.

"Jim, if it's personal, you can let me read it. Remember, you can trust me," I said, repeating something he'd told me earlier that month.

"Yes but uh... There's boy stuff in there," he exclaimed, trying to make me grossed out or something. I raised an eyebrow at him, making him sigh, and hold the book out in his hands.

"I don't know E... There's some very graphic stuff in here," he lied once more.

"Jim, I get you're my best friend and all, but you're forgetting one little detail about me. I don't care."

He grunted, flopping down on the blanket we'd laid across the grass. "Not today, E."

I whined, pouting and sat next to him, taking a book out of my bag.

"What's that?" He pondered, staring at the book of poems I held.

"Randell Jarrell."

He nodded, peaking over my shoulder at the works I was reading.

"Aging, but without knowledge of their age, kept safe here, knowing not of death, for death-- Oh, bars of my own body, open, open!" He read, before leaning more over my shoulder, making me shiver. "That's pretty deep shit."

"Yeah, he's one of my favorites," I gushed, folding my page to save for later as I put it back down. I didn't need to read art when there was some right in front of me.

I loved him, I really did. Of course, it was a stupid girl crush, but it didn't bother me. I didn't know who wouldn't fall in love with someone like him. Someone so well spoken and deep and passionate. It seemed like a dream that I was as close with him as I was. I strived to try and be like him but it never worked out that way. He changed too quickly for me to keep up so I went my own way.

Laying on that park grass in LA made me think about things that could be and should've been. I spaced out for a bit I guess because when I finally came to, Jim was staring at me.

"Ohh sorry," I murmured, turning a bit red. He chuckled, shaking his head before laying next to me and looking up at the clouds.

"That one looks like.... A turntable on an elephants back," he identified, pointing up at a big white cloud in the middle of the sky. "And that one looks like a giraffe."

I nodded, looking over at him, who was searching for more cloud pictures. He was a kid at heart, very playful yet mature.

"That looks like a surfboard," I said quietly, joining in on his scavenger hunt. He smiled, tracing the outline of the cloud with his finger in the air.

"There's a guitar on a diving board," he pointed, making me look up as I tried to find it, without success.


"Right there," he pointed once more as if it was as clear as day.

"I can't see it."

"Right here," he exclaimed, taking my hand in his, point my hand towards the shape. I blush from the sudden bolt of shock at was sent through me and I think Jim noticed too. That always happened when we made contract, I had no idea what it was.

Taking his attention off the sky, he sat up on his shoulder and looked down at me curiously. What a sight that must've been. A girl with her hair spread all around her and a red face staring up at him. He was something.

There's only a few words I can use to describe him because I can't find words to say. Those words are sexy, mysterious, and dark.

He stared for a while longer before leaning in closer as if he was in a trance.

"E," he murmured, me being able to feel his breath on my neck, which had goosebumps all over.


"Can I try something?" he questioned quietly, before I nodded and he surprised me by taking my lips in his.

What a sight it must've been for everyone around us even though people in LA were used to anything and everything.

After a few seconds of pure bliss and joy, he pulled away, taking my eyes captive in his.

"Tell me you felt that."

I nodded, my face burning as I leaned back forward, taking his lips back in mine. I'd had one kiss and it was already so addictive. One kiss and I was in love.

"You can do that more often," I giggled, after pulling away for air.

"Most defiantly, sweetheart."

(Here ya go! Idk about this one but alright... So um I kinda need a new cover for this book if anyone wants to make one, only if you want to of course, but it'd really help me out :) pm me for details if ya wanna. Thank you all)

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