||Steven Adler (Guns n Roses) #1||

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(For reginalenort :) I hope ya enjoy and sorry if it seemed to take awhile. I'm so excited for Guns n Roses getting back together... I just wonder how Alx's gonna be yknow? Enjoy :))

||Regina's POV||

"Regina! Get up right now! We have to go!" Steven yelled, jumping up and down on the couch as I was suddenly awaken from my nap.

"What?! What happened?!" I jumped, rubbing my eyes to get my vision to focus on the fluffy-haired man in front of me.

"Mad Platter is having a dollar vinyl sale. Get off your ass, we gotta go," he urged, making my eyes go wide as I hurried off the sofa and to the bathroom to brush my hair.

"One dollar vinyls?! Are you serious? You've gotta be joking!" I exclaimed, running up the stairs to our room as I looked around for my Converse.

"I'm legit, I saw it on the way home," I heard him say from downstairs as we both rushed around.

What most people unlike us don't understand is that dollar vinyls were incredibly rare and vinyls in general were expensive. When you find a dollar vinyl sale and you're that much into the music business as Steven and I both were, it was a go-to.

"Steven, where are my Chucks?" I yelled as I scrabbled off the floor after looking under the bed for my shoes.

"I don't know, where'd you put them?!" I heard a voice from the living room yell.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you?"

"Just wear your boots!" Adler yelled up to me, as I sighed.


I ran to the closet to grab my combat boots that took forever to lace up. We were obviously in a rush and didn't need this right now but it was the only thing I could do. Being a famous musician and all, I still didn't own more than two pairs of shoes.

"Regina! Come on, all the good one are gonna be gone and we're gonna be left with Barry Manilow! I don't want Barry Manilow!" He said loudly, grabbing his keys as I stubbled down the stair with only one boot on.

"Alright, I'll get this on in the car. We gotta go," I huffed, making him laugh and open the front door as we got into his white truck.

The Mad Platter wasn't but a ten minute drive from our house but it sure did seem like it took awhile to get there.

As I leaned down towards the floorboard, trying to get the laces through the holes, all I could hear was our heavy breaths and the radio.

We were serious about this whole thing. We could get like twenty records if we wanted to!

After about five minutes or so, my boots were fastened and I sat up with a huff and pulled down the visor mirror to fix my hair.

As I brushed my bangs out of my face, I noticed Steven quietly chuckling to himself.

"What?" I asked, smiling softly and closing the mirror.

"Nothing. You're just something else," he answered, turning up the radio a bit. Of course a Guns n Roses song was playing.

"Ohhh look who it is!" I teased, turning up 'Welcome To The Jungle', the only song that seemed to be played nowadays.

"Ahh I have to hear this enough at work," he muttered, turning the station.

After two minutes or so, Steven pulled into the crowded parking lot. The entire plaza was lit up for the Christmas season and everything felt almost homely.

I threw on my coat as Adler followed suit, also immediately pulling me into him once we started to walk.

The Mad Platter wasn't exactly crowded but there were more than a few in the store.

"I wonder if anyone will notice you," I said softly as I snuggling into his side, loving the way it felt just to be near him.

"I wonder I anyone will notice you," he copied, smiling and opening the door.

Two guys, probably about twenty or so, sat behind the counter, looking up for a split second before looking back down. And almost as fast as they did that, their heads shot back up almost in unison.

I was impressed, one: that's they knew their bands and the members in those bands and two: they hadn't yelled out 'oh my god it's Steven Adler!'

As we walked into the middle of the store, we started to catch the looks of most of the people around us, some excited, some annoyed, but hey, it was our jobs to make music and if they didn't like it, so be it.

I instantly felt cold once Steven had been pulled towards some old milk crate of heavy metal records, but I brushed it off.

I made my way throughout the store, smiling at whoever smiled at me, giving small waves sometimes too.

There was a section in the store dedicated to posters of all sorts. I walked over to it, light on my feet, feeling good as I looked across the store to see Steven freaking out over a Stones record that he found. What a dork.

I shuffled through the displays of movie posters until we got to the music ones. There were the normal one that every store had like the Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix but these were different.

As I flipped towards the back a caught a quick glimpse of my band. Wow...

My brain seemed to go to another place as I thought about that photoshoot. All the blinding lights and cameras everywhere. Personally, I hated it but you couldn't not do it. Show business had its must haves.

I zoned out for a few seconds before, I felt a little tug on my coat. I quickly snapped out of it and turned out, being met by the sweet face of an eight, or so, year old girl. Her face was red and she looked nervous as she held up one of my records in her hand, another one for a dollar.

"Hi sweetheart," I said, bending down so I was a bit closer to her height. "You want me to sign this for ya?"

"Yes please," she whispered, obviously still shy but I could tell inside she was beaming.

I smiled softly, taking a pen from my bag and signing a small note on the right hand corner.

"What's your name?"


"God, that's a beautiful name. Here you go sweetheart. Thanks so much for coming to talk to me. You're really awesome," I told her honestly, making her face instantly light up as she giggled, and threw herself at me with a hug.

Wrapping my arms around the angel, I heard someone clear their throat behind me, as we both pulled away.

"Have an awesome day sweetie pie," I said softly as she ran off into her daddy's arm, him mouthing a sincere 'thank-you' to me before walking out of the store.

"She was adorable," Steven said behind me, his arms filled with records, some worth way more than a dollar.

"She was.... Steven.... I want to have kids some day," I said quietly, hoping that he'd one day agree or at least not make fun of me for it.

"Definitely," he smiled, kissing me sweetly on the lips before pulling away. "Come on, it getting late, and we have all of these to listen to tonight."

"Awesome," I giggled, walking up to the corner with him to pay for records we probably didn't need but knew we had to have.

(Here we go! I think this one is okay but idk... I can't tell if it's good or not anymore so yeah... Umm thanks for reading and yeah :))

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