||Axl Rose (Guns n Roses) #5||

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(For SaintsOfLosAngeles !! Sorry this took literally forever but here it finally is! Slash has to be my favorite person in the world. I'm just gonna put that out there. I hope you enjoy and thanks for requesting :))

||Caitlin's POV||

I watched him from the corner of the bar, drinking heavily and celebrating with all of his friends. Something about him screamed "Fuck me!" and something else screamed "But love me and cuddle with me first." Axl Rose wasn't like other guys from around here. Or that's what I'd heard anyways. 

I wasn't known for sticking around with a guy for too long because they either got too clingy or they somehow end up making things a living hell but it was whatever right? I mean love wasn't real. Not for me anyways. I always stuck to that thought until that night of course.

I slowly sipped on my Jack and Coke as I watched them all cheers, the guitarist Slash starting to chug from a Jack Daniels bottle. 

I was pretty much apart of the same group they and they all knew who I was but I never usually hung out with them unless I was feeling lonely if you know what I mean anyways. It didn't make me a slut or anything. What's wrong with having a little fun?

Axl was looking better than ever tonight especially with the dim bar lights shining on him. I'd heard that he was a tortured soul, yknow, like some kind of child abuse or something. It was sad. No kid deserved to be treated like that. If my parents would've done that to me before leaving, I would've left sooner. 

Tonight didn't feel like a night for some crazy one-night stand. I honestly didn't know why I'd become apart of the scene that way but I was starting to wish I would've stayed in Ohio. Los Angeles was a really scary place if you had no where to go and with someone like me there, it scared me even more. But there was so much going on and so many lights, that I felt like I needed to stay. Maybe it was even the right decision in the end.

I stared into my drink, taking peaks at Axl every once in a while until one time, my eyes met his, making me quickly look away. I was never good with confrontation unless the person was drunk. They typically couldn't remember if what I said to them anyways.

I quickly looked back down at my drink, seeing him excuse himself from his friends and walking in my direction. I internally scolded myself for letting him see me but couldn't think anymore as I felt he sat to my right, asking the bartender for two of whatever I was having. 

"Come here often?" he teased. As I said before, we knew each other but I wouldn't hang out with them unless I was in a group who did. I felt too awkward trying to start conversations by myself. Especially in a group of five good-looking men.

"Nice to see you too Axl," I smirked sarcastically, before finishing the rest of my drink.

"That some pretty hard stuff for a tiny little lady like you," he chuckled a little bit, watching as my cheeks reddened a bit. 

"Takes away the pain, doesn't it?" I said, pointing over to Steven and Izzy who were having a chugging contest in the east corner of the bar. They were such children and honestly, it was refreshing to see adults have fun like that even though none of us were really ever grown up and probably never would be.

He laughed and took the empty seat to my right, obviously awaiting a conversation.

"You probably wanna get back to your friends, right?"

"I know about them. They don't have secrets but you obviously do," he answered, smirking at me before the drinks he ordered were placed in front of us. He passed one over to me before lifting his glass in the air and winking at me before putting it to his lips. Everything about this man was sensual. I kind of liked it. 

He sat there and asked me random questions for a while until I was spun around by some guy, obviously not in his right mind at the moment.

"Come on baby. Let's party," he slurred, grabbing my forearm. Before I could protest, Axl stood up and grabbed the man's collar.

"Can't you see she's with me?" he seethed at the man much skinnier and smaller than the ginger standing over him. The guy quickly shook his head before Axl pushed him towards the door and took a seat like nothing had happened.

I glanced over his shoulder to see Steven pointing over at Axl and I smiling teasing like they had beef on us now.

"I think that it's time for me to head back," I said uncomfortably, as I stood up and grabbed my bag from underneath my chair. 

"Wait but-"

"Will a ten cover my drink?" I asked just wanting to get out of there. I wasn't that I didn't appreciate what Axl had done, I just didn't want the attention on me anymore especially not today.

"I'll cover it but I wanna see you again," he said standing and gently grabbing my forearm to stop me once I turned to leave. I heard about all the girls who he was with. He was a heart breaker but it seemed like he actually cared. 

I turned back to face him and paused for a second before taking a pen out of my bag and writing my number on his palm. 

"I like you Axl Rose. You better not play me," I told him before I went for the door, watching as Axl raised his palm to his friends who started cheering for him. 

I had no clue what that was all about but out of all the places you could meet the love of your life, mine was in a dive bar and I honestly wouldn't have had it another way.

(Here we go! It kind of sucks but I tried to do my best. I'm having a hair bands faze and I honestly don't know if that's a good or bad thing lol. But yeah I'll talk to y'all real soon.)

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