Author's Note #1

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Hey guys! I just wanted to give a little update because I haven't written a one shot in about a week or so.

Also before I start I wanted to thank you all for the reads, requests, feedback, and vote I get on this sorry daily. You have no idea how much it makes my day to get a notification from one of you telling me how much you enjoyed the latest one about Kurt or that one about Slash. It makes my day on the shittiest of them.

We are almost to 1,000 reads as well... I can't even... It's hard for me to think that people have given my book of randomness and nonsense 1,000 clicks because they thought it'd be interesting. And while it may be and most of those may be accidental clicks, there are still a ton of you who vote and comment and request on this and it warms my heart.

I've always wanted to be a musician when I grow up, I've always wanted to make it in the music business someway, but honestly, I think I may want to become an author now. Yknow as a 'Plan B' type thing. I don't know, the only reason I thought about was because of you all.

I never want to be that author who sets goals for their writing. Hell you don't even have to vote or comment or do anything if you don't wanna! I thought it was always stupid setting a goal. I mean sure you want to know if people are reading and enjoying, I fully get it, but I like to let the readers do that in their own. Sometimes opinions don't want to be shared but I'm willing to take hard criticism, honest. If you hate one of my pieces of writing, tell me! I won't fight you on it at all, I'll improve.

My honest goal, if I had to set one, would be to have that book that when people see the notification that it's been updated, you're excited and happy, and you can't wait to see what I've written today. But it's gonna take work. My writing, in my opinion, sucks. I have been proud with some of my work before but other times, I'm hard on myself. It helps me strive to become better for you guys.

There are authors out their like billiejoefinestrong and omgreedus who, whenever they update, just make me smile. I see that notification and I smile. I want to be like that to some of you. I know it'll take a lot of work and improvement but I'm willing to do it, for you and I.

If I had a goal, that would be it.

Alright sorry, this is so fucking long... Um so ya I'll be updating after the New Year and I'll talk to y'all real soon.

I love you all.

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