||Kennedy Brock (The Maine) #1||

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(For bloodyroadtojoy !! Number three! I honestly love you so much, all these Warped Tour bands man, no ones ever asked for these and it's fucking great. I really wanna go this year. Enjoy :))

||Catalina's POV||

"Soph, you miss him too, right?" I sighed, placing the needle on my This Wild Life record I'd gotten last Warped Tour. She looked up at me with her puppy dog eyes, pretty much telling me that she didn't care.

Kennedy had been gone for a while. He'd moved away to follow his dream, leaving what used to be behind.

The street we lived on held many memories, all old but just as vivid as if they happened the previous day. For eighteen years, we grew up together, watched each other learn to ride bikes, seen girlfriends and boyfriends come and go, seen death of family members and such. We were always there for each other, and that's why this was so hard.

He'd moved out of his family home, hoping to make it big in the music industry. I knew he could do it. All his life, it was the goal. And he was gonna do it.

It sat on my bed, which I seemed to never leave since he did. There was no more toilet papering Mandy Hawk at three in the morning because of some bitchy thing she did to me, no more week-long sleepovers that consisted of walking over to each other's houses every day. No more long, deep conversations at the river passage and no more long walks in the park. It was gone. He was gone.

My parents hadn't bothered to check to see how I was doing, for I'd just get pissed and yell at them. I felt bad, they didn't even do anything. I don't know if they even understood but they were giving me my space as if it was what I needed. All I really needed was him. 

It'd been a month, no phone calls, no texts. I'd felt like I'd been cut out of his life completely and after being in it for so long, it broke me. I'd dreamed about him climbing through my window in the middle of the night, telling me that he was home and would never leave me again. So many nights I dreamed that one day he'd knock on the door and kiss me like he had the day before he left.

That was his going away present to me, a short, passionate kiss that only lasted seconds. But after nine years of being in love with him, it was enough. Is that why he'd cut me out? Was he embarrassed? Did he not like it? The questions swarmed through my head, day in and day out, begging me to come up with a conclusion I just couldn't find.

My body constantly hurt and my heart constantly pulsed, although I felt nothing.

I waited for the fairytale ending for nine years of my life to get a kiss and no goodbye. Love was a lie like everything else.

I laid back onto my pillows, letting my thought process be completely taken over with thoughts of how it used to be and what it should've been like.


"Come on, that's no fair," I laughed, running down the street and into the clump of bushes we'd made our attack plan in earlier.

"If I cared then I'd feel bad," he smiled, catching his breath as we sat behind the shrub, waiting for our plan to work.

The candy store down on Main Street had gotten these new fart bombs, where if you push down on them, they'd inflate and explode, giving off the worst smell humanly possible.

We waited silently until we heard a scream in the distance, causing us to bust up. Mandy Hawk had decided it'd be funny to cut a piece of my hair off when I wasn't looking and this was payback. Kennedy, having gone out with her for three months until a bad breakup, said that'd this would be the best way to get her bad, and judging by that scream, he was right.

"Ken, I award you with this Medal of Honor to represent your helpfulness and graduate to a lonely Sophomore in distress," I teased, standing up and walk in out of our hiding space with him following.

"No problem, kiddo. You down for some Sharknado tonight?" He asked, smirking as I rammed into him jokingly, hitting his shoulder a bit.

"Yeah I'm down. No girlfriends this time," I stated, walking down the hill that led to our street. The last one wouldn't stop trying to get him to make out with her on my couch. Lucky, he was too interested in Harry Potter to respond and she ended up leaving before the movie was over, stealing my bowl of popcorn in the process.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," he promised, smiling down at me for a while without my noticing, until I looked up and wiped my face with my sleeve, thinking there was something there.

"Is it gone?"

"Y-yeah," he murmured, grinning a little bit before focusing on the road before us.

"I can't believe we're graduating in two years," I said, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Me neither. We'll finally be able to sleep in."

It got silence after that as well until I spoke once more.

"Are you gonna leave?"

"Leave? What do you mean 'leave'?" He questioned, walking down the dirt-covered short cut that led right into his yard.

"Like I know that we'll both leave the street one day but not right after, are ya? I mean... I don't like the thought of you not living around me," I said quietly and honestly, looking up at him.

He kept quiet for a second until answering. "I'll never leave you, Cat. I'll leave the street, but I'll never leave you. To make my dream come true, I have to leave but if I leave your coming with me. You're my girl," he smiled, wrapping an arm over my shoulder which made my knees weak.

Kennedy Brock would never leave me. I was safe. I was his girl.

End Of Flashback

Kennedy Brock had left me. I was depressed. I was his belonging left behind, but not on accident.

I'd taken that day seriously. I'd remembered it for a reason, but he broke the promise he'd made. He'd left me for dread.

Kennedy Brock had forgotten the promise, not broken it, for he was thinking of me at that second, before making the first phone call that made my body hurt more and my heart pulse faster. Only this time, I didn't feel dead, I felt numb with just a little feeling.

(Here we go! Sorry this took so long! A lot of shit just went down in the life and I needed some inspiration. But I liked this one to be honest :) I think I'm proud of it)

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