||Axl Rose (Guns n Roses) #3||

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(For ArynWells :) sorry this took so long, but I hope ya like it! Awesome plot idea by the way! It worked great... I think XD Enjoy :))

||Aryn's POV||

Everyone knew it was getting worse and worse, but what could they do? Axl was going down a deep dark hole and no one could get him out. We'd tried but have never succeeded and honestly, I was completely terrified.

I opened the door to the guys' apartment to see mostly all of them in the living room, the only one missing Axl.

"Hey guys," I smiled, sheepishly. Since Axl had gotten meaner and less sober, I hadn't been one to talk much. The others could sense it, well most of them. Steven, my brother, was always a bit out of it but that was besides the point.

"Hey kiddo," Duff greeted, followed by the rest of theirs.

"Where's Ax?" I asked, in the smaller voice I had resorted to.

"Bedroom... Are you alright, Aryn? You're not bouncing off the walls anymore like you used to," Izzy asked, almost as if he was scared to set me off.

"I'm.. I'm fine," I smiled falsely, a bit hesitant to answer. I started making my way towards my boyfriend's room until my brother spoke up.

"Aryn, you know if something's going on you can tell us. If Axl is hurting you, I will beat him to a pulp," Steven said seriously, as most of the guys looked at me as if they were a jury in a court convicting me of murder.

"He's just different now," I told them, not wanting all the attention on me anymore. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth.

"Different...isn't always okay."

"I know that... I'm gonna go see Axl now," I said quietly, before turning the corner and heading for the room.

I heard the boys start talking again before I stopped to see if I could hear.

"I'm worried about her.."

"No shit, she's my sister."

"She's everyones sister... Axl doesn't deserve someone like her."

"Axl's a good guy. He just needs to kick that habit somehow.."

Not wanting to hear anymore, I continued down the hall and finally got to the room, where I could hear him coughing. I was scared to go in. Last time hadn't gone so well, but I swallowed all my fears and slowly turned the door handle.

I opened the door to find only one lamp on in the room and Axl snorting Coke off of his bedside table. Disgusting. I hated that stuff. So many fucked up things came out of that from him. I was just fine with weed and smoking cigarettes.

"Axl.." I murmured, after a long period of silence since he didn't seem to notice me.

"Hey babe," he slurred with a stupid strung out look on his face and in his eyes. I hated when he did this shit. He turned into a different person and it was becoming more and more consistent.

"Axl, we need to talk," I declared, sitting on the bed as he brushed what was left of the drug onto his carpet like it didn't even mean anything.

"I love you soo much," he mumbled, leaning down to try and kiss my neck. Not to mention, he was a horny bastard when he was high, not like it was different than before but it was more often.

"Not right now."

"Come on, babe. I just wanna have some fun..."

"Axl, no!" I muttered louder than before I think scaring him a bit because he suddenly jumped back with a dazed look on his face. "You're so different now.."

"I'm not different, maybe you are!" He challenged, trying to once again make the situation fall on me. I was determined to not let that happen though.

"Ever since you got hooked on cocaine, you're not the same, and I'm not sure if I can do this anymore," I said truthfully, not wanting to see the rage in his eyes.

"Are you leaving me?!" He growled, making it evident to the boys in the living room that he was pissed. I heard footsteps, slowly walking down the hall and stopping at the door. It was Steven, just in case.

"I don't know Ax. If you don't let us help you kick the habit than I'll have to."

"You don't have to do anything I don't say to do!" he exclaimed, making my body tense up as if I were about to be hit. I wouldn't have been surprised.

"I'm serous... It's becoming too much. Slash has kicked his and Steven is trying to. You're the one who said that everyone needed to be cleaned up. Don't be the hypocrite," I accused, looking towards the door to see Steven's sock under the gap between the door and the ground. He was letting me know he was there.

"I'm not a hypocrite! Heroin is different! You should know the difference!"

"Well, I don't. I don't care if it's worse. It's still effecting you in bad ways... What will it be?"

I could see the battle going on in his mind over this and it scared me. I knew he needed me and I needed him, but to threaten him seemed to be the only way to get him to knock off the addiction.

"You're telling me that if I kick the habit and I stop doing Coke that you'll stay with me?" He asked, quietly after a long period of silence. I slowly nodded as he sat down on the bed. "And if I don't, you'll leave me?"


"What if I can't do it?"

"I know you can because you're William Axl Rose," I said, sitting next to him and leaning into his shoulder. "And because you're strong."

"But what if I can't?"

"You will. I promise."

He turned his head slightly, looking at me from the corner of his eye with a small smile resting on his lips.

"You, Aryn Adler, will be the death of me."

"That's my goal," I teased, leaning in to give him a long kiss on the lips.

Maybe he'd finally be okay after all.

(Here we go! I kinda changed the request a little and I'm sorry but tell me how I did. I'll try and write another if it isn't right)

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