||Axl Rose (Guns N Roses) #1||

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(I feel like I got this idea from a story on here but I'm not totally sure! If so, I'm so sorry, I don't mean to steal the idea! Enjoy I guess cx)

||Piper's POV||

"Pips! He's doing it again!" Slash yelled from the second floor of the condo they were staying at for a few months.

Their album, 'Appetite For Destruction', had just ended and with this new fame, came a new life. One with way too many bottles of alcohol and syringes. Sadly, all of the guys had been pulled into it, but for some it hit harder than others.

It was almost always Axl freaking the fuck out about once every two weeks or so. He'd do too many drugs and then imagine things, and I was the only one who seemed to be able to stop them.

I'd been with him since Duff had introduced us when the band was formed, but for some reason, he still thought I was stupid.

I knew he cheated on me almost every single night after a show, and don't get me wrong, it hurt, but I felt like I had to stay with him. He'd go crazy if I didn't.

The boys were always there for me when they could be, but this was about the only time I was shown attention from Axl anymore. If I was there to help his sorry ass again.

I trudged up the stairs, hearing the familiar sound of things being smashed as Slash stood outside Axl's door with with a sad smile on his face.

"Your time to shine," he murmured, walking past me into a room a couple doors down, his room.

I took a deep breathe and opened the door, dodging the shoe that was thrown at me in the same place everything I walked in.

"Axl," I muttered sternly, watching his expression calm down a bit before walking over to me.

"Oh thank god, babe! They're gonna get me!" He burst out, running in for a full on hug from me.

"Nothing's coming for you," I murmured. I felt like I was repeating myself, oh wait.... I was!

It was the same thing every time. 'Something's coming for me!'. I was tired of it! I mean God, everyone did drugs but not so much that it made them like this!

"Axl, there's nothing there," I said sternly, swallowing hard when he put his face into my neck.

"Not anymore, you scared them away," he murmured, hugging me closer as I soon relaxed in his arms.

It's crazy how different you can be before you actually get a boyfriend or someone who cares for you a lot, if he even did at all.

"They were never here Axl," I stated again, pulling away from his hug to see something flash in his eyes. Anger.

"What are you calling me a liar, bitch?" He bellowed. I could hear the sound of Duff's feet walking up to the door, but I didn't say anything.

He was there just in case. I would be lying if I said that he'd never hit me before. I didn't feel sorry for myself though, I deserved it... Or so I'd been told.

"It's the same thing every time. You're taking some LSD shit or whatever and you see things," I claimed, taking a step back from the seething man.

"You lying piece of shit! I don't need you! There's plenty of other girls who I like better than you anyways."

The same old shit... It also was degrading, having to hear that all the time, but I knew he was lying. I mean I hope he was.

"Fine, I'll leave then," I declared, using my same tactic as usual.

I reached for the door knob before he cried telling me he wanted me back. Same old shit again...

I was gonna try to change it this time though... Even though I knew how this was gonna end up.

"Axl, you need to get off of drugs. I'll pay for your rehab, I'll pay for a shrink even, just please get off them."

You could see the sudden change in his face. A sudden change from sorry to flustered. He wasn't gonna have he tell him what to do or try and help him either.

"You don't tell me what to do! I am my own boss!" He screamed, bringing his open hand over across my face, making a loud sound with Duff obviously heard as he ran into the room and tackled him down, as I laid there in shock on the floor.

Sure, he's hurt me before but never like that. I'd never been hit so hard in my life.

As I raised a shaky hand to my cheek, I felt some blood and a cut from one of his rings.

It almost seemed as if everything was going in slow motion. I drizzly looked over to Duff pounding Axl's face in as Slash swiftly picked me up and carried me into the bathroom to clean me up.

"I'm sorry kiddo. He's becoming way more violent each time," he said softly, pouring a bit of alcohol on a napkin before continuing with, "This is gonna hurt like a motherfucker."

"Yeah whatever," I muttered before I hissed at the burning sensation on my face when he brought it up to my face.

"Sorry dude," Slash apologized, taking a butterfly bandaid out of the drawer.

"It won't need stitches but it seems kind deep."

"I don't know if I can do this anymore Saul," I murmured, using his first name. That usually meant I was serious about something.

"I know, but we'll miss ya. Duff, Izzy, Steven, me... Axl... We're all gonna miss you if you leave him. I know he's not exactly faithful either but what can he do? He's a fucking rockstar now, not that that gives him a full excuse but yknow."

He was right, but every fucking night? And the abuse! I mean I understood that I deserved it, but it hurt! It really fucking hurt!

"And that's total bullshit by the way, you don't deserve the way he treats you. You never have and you never will," he murmured, putting his big hands on my cheek and kissed my forehead.

I didn't know how I was gonna get through this, but I knew I'd try. Axl needed me and as must as I hated to say it, I needed him. He was the only person who ever made me feel alive and I was addicted to it.

Whatever I did, Axl was always the first thought in my head. How would this decision affect him?

The only thing I knew is that I loved him, and I wouldn't give up trying to help him through this, even if it meant hurting myself in the process.

(I know... Not exactly a happy ending... Sorry... Umm yeah... Sooo uhhhhhh Slash is pretty attractive huh?)

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