||Glenn Danzig (Misfits) #1||

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(For YoutubeMusicFoodBook ! And here's the other one! Once again I'm sorry this took forever but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for sticking by me)

||Kenzie's POV||

As I jumped around intoxicated with other people's swear and music, I couldn't feel more alive. CBGB's was my home along with the others as well. I even loved the bathrooms... Yeah, I know.

As the guys played, "Cough/Cool", I couldn't help but smile back at my boyfriend up on stage. It was strange to love a punk and even stranger if a punk found love. Most relationships in our scene didn't work out to well but there we were, almost two years strong.

Jerry, being my brother, had told me multiple times not to get involved in the scene and to stay away from the men in it. And now, I was moshing in a pit of them and was wearing leather pants and boots I'd found in some alleyway. New York had the best garbage.

After a few more songs, the set had finally ended, and I made my way to the bar where I knew Glenn would be.

"Hey Hilly," I greeted, sitting on a bar stool and setting down a ten for my regular, a Jack and Coke.

"Hey sweetheart," the older man said, smiling at me sweetly as he filled my glass.

"How're things around the old place?"

"We're still here, aren't we? I hate to say it but charging at the door is saving us."

Hilly was the founder of CBGB's and was out version of the godfather of punk. He was a hard-headed, Jewish guy whose ass got saved by his daughter when she took up counting all the expenses that they'd riled up. I'm just happy she did when she did or that place would've been history and not the good kind.

"She's smart, and remember, I'm here to do free labor anytime you need me," I concluded, tipping my glass to him before taking a sip.

"You're a saint, Kenzie," he smiled before leaving to tend to the other people who needed him. Everyone needed Hilly.

I sat quietly at the bar, saying hi to the people who spoke to me until I felt someone give me a big, sloppy kiss on the cheek, making me laugh.

"After all this time, you still don't know how to kiss?" I asked him before receiving another one but on the mouth.

"Better?" He smirked, before ordering a drink for himself.

"Here, sit. I don't need you passing out in here," I said, standing up and giving my seat him before being pulled into his lap.

"We only need one chair," he murmured, making my cheeks hot.

He was a flirt, that's all he was. But he was caring and sweet and adorable, nothing like what real punks were.

"So... How was the show?" He sang in a singsong voice before chugging a beer.

"Actually.. About that.. I was thinking that you should look for another job," I teased, punching his shoulder softly.

"Haha, what a comedian," he murmured, kissing me again but a lot more seriously. I could honestly say I loved him. He was everything a punk was and everything a punk wasn't. No one else was the same.

We sat there, making out on the seat, which honestly was completely usual there, until Jerry came up next to us and cleared his throat.

"As much as I love watching you swallow my sister's tongue, knock it off," he muttered sarcastically.

He wasn't like most older brothers. I mean sure, he was overprotective and stuff but in his own way. If he acted like he didn't care. He was serious. If he was acting like he was serious, he didn't care. Catch my drift?

I scoffed, taking a drink out of my glass.

"Hey, all I'm saying is wait until you're married or some shit," he defended before I felt Glenn stiffen under me a bit. I knew he didn't have a boner and I was kind of confused on what was going on until Jerry motioned Glenn to follow him.

I quickly jumped down off his lap before he kissed me and told me he'd be back in a few.

I tried not to think much of it for they were probably talking about band stuff but I couldn't help but wonder why he stiffened that way. Did marriage scare him? I mean we didn't have to..

My thoughts were interrupted by Hilly coming back to my end of the bar.

"I can smell your anxiety from over there. What's up?"

"It's nothing, Hilly. Glenn's just acting weird," I answered, drinking my thoughts away.

Hilly thought for a minute before his little smile turned into a large grin and he started laughing.

I looked up at him as if he were insane until he reassured me and took off as Glenn got back to me with Jerry nowhere in sight.

Glenn was sweating uncontrollably from what seemed to be the show and nerves, and he couldn't stop looking around the room.

"Glenn, what's wrong?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder, making him seem worse.

"I-umm... Come on."

He quickly dragged me through the crowded bar and into the well-known bathrooms that smelled like rotting bodies.

There was a couple in there, doing the dirty until Glenn gave them a look and they beat it, leaving us as the only ones in there.

"So...what's up?" I murmured, completely unsure about what was happening. All I knew is that he looked serious and he was almost never that way.

He started rambling about nothing and I couldn't understand him until he said, "Fuck it."

"Kenzie, I fucking love you and you love me and you're my favorite person ever and you mosh and drink and have sex with me and you're really fucking amazing and I love you... And I want to be married to you."

I stared at him with wide eyes as his face got redder by the minute. All the marriages that I'd ever seen or heard of had ended in a ball of flames, but I felt like this one wouldn't.

I slowly nodded my head yes, feeling tears come into my eyes as I leaned forward in his chest and cried. I felt him laugh from under me and hug me in his right bearhug I got almost everyday.

"I know that this one will work. I know it," I whispered, as I pulled away and wiped my tears before kissing him with all the passion that he's given me over the years.

And let me tell you, never did I think I'd ever be proposed to in the famous shitter at CBGB's.

(Here we go! I really like this one actually. The Misfits are finally back man! I'm so excited, I'm buying tickets soon! The end is kinda shitty (haha bc bathrooms) but yknow. I hope ya enjoyed)

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