||Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) #3||

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(TornadoGirl1133 requested that I should do another Kurt one, so here we go :) this may be bad... Just a warning! I hope you enjoy! And sorry it took so long!)

||Violet's POV||

"Baby, I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time, and maybe I'm afraid at the way I love you.." I sung softly as I messed around on my guitar.

Things around the house got lonely around this time of year. The boys were in the studio or at band practice, and when they got home, I'd trade them places and do the same.

I was the bassist in a new alt-rock band called Gradual Decline (My band irl, please don't take the name XD) and we were currently working on our first EP.

It sucked never being able to see the guys. I mean, hell, we owned a house together but we were never here all at the same time.

"Maybe I'm amazed at the way you pulled me out of time, you hung me on a line. Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you.."

I continued singing quietly as I looked up at the clock as saw the time. Five-thirty in the afternoon. Time to leave abandonment.

I quickly threw on one of Kurt's flannels that were laying on the couch and grabbed my bass case. I loved wearing his flannels. There was always a sense of warmth and comfortable when I was in them. But why would that even matter? How could he ever know that it made me feel that way?

It wasn't like I could tell him. It wasn't like I could run up to him and give him the biggest hug ever. It was a stupid crush. One of those crushes that kills you inside everytime you see them. Kurt Cobain had me love struck, and it had to be obvious too. I mean Dave and Krist already knew. They could see it.

I quickly grabbed a water bottle and reached for the door knob as it suddenly opened to Krist and Dave.

"Shit, you scared me," I laughed, watching them lug all their equipment into the living room.

"That's my job," Dave grunted as he heaved an amp over to the corner of the room.

"Practice?" Krist asked, grabbing a beer out of the refrigerator. I could see the swear physically dripping off their foreheads. They always pushed themselves, whether it be to jump around and do more physical things to hitting the drums so hard you had to change them every other recording.
That's how Nirvana rolled. It wasn't just a band. It was almost like a gym membership in a way.

"Ya, Lou is gonna kill me for being so late but whatever... Where's Cobain?"

"I had a feeling you were gonna ask that," Krist smirked, sitting next to Dave on the old sofa we had.

"Whatever," I scoffed before Dave cut in.

"He had to go somewhere, you'll see him today though, don't worry princess," he smiled sarcastically, making my eyes narrow at him.

"You won't be calling me princess when I'm kicking your ass," I muttered, walking out the door as I heard Krist start to laugh until Dave yelled at him to shut up.

I loved the boys, I really did. Each one of them had a trait the other didn't and it was interesting. It was nice that everyone wasn't the same. Like hell, Kurt fucking listened to ABBA, and Dave was the nicest punk rock guy ever. Krist was a big teddy bear, and I, well, I didn't know what I was.

I still had a lot of figuring out to do with myself. I didn't know what I wanted to do when I grew up. I was only 18, the others were much older. They had their lives in check, Nirvana was huge. They'd made it, but I, hell, I didn't know what I could do.

I mean sure I was starting a band but there was a 5% chance we'd make it. It's crazy to think that I could do nothing for the rest of my life.

I walked lazily onto Rise Street, and into the studio where the other we're watching for me.

"About time.." Lou muttered, as I rolled my eyes and set my bass down.

"Well at least I showed up," I countered, undoing the latches on my case.

"It's good your here," Jax, the drummer, spoke trying to keep the group in a good mood.

It was four of us. Lou was lead guitarist, Jax was the drummer, our friend Ian was rhythm guitarist, and I was the bassist and lead vocals. I never thought I could sing, but I didn't really have a choice. None of the others wanted to.

"Alright, where's Ian?" I asked, sliding the bass strap over my head and on to my shoulders.

"Here!" I heard a voice murmur found under the sound booth.

"What are you doing?"

"Your mom..." He muttered sliding out and jumping up. "Alrighty, let's do this."

"Umm Vi. There's someone here for you," Jax said in awe as I looked behind me to see Kurt standing there in all of his glory.

"It's only Kurt," Lou muttered, as the others stood wide eyed. Hey, I don't tell everyone that I live with rockstars.

"I'll be right back guys... Uhh Ian can you get this tuned while I'm gone?"

"'Course, hurry back."

I smiled and walked out of the box to Kurt small warm smile.

"Hey stranger," I murmured, walking into in grasp. I hadn't seen him in a couple of days because of our schedules. It felt nice, it really did.

"Sure seems that way huh?"

"It does... Why didn't you come back with Dave and Krist today? They walked in right as I was about to leave," I asked, leaving the closeness for a more friendship-like stance.

"I had to do some thinking.." He answered, looking at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"And that would be..?"

"How to tell you I like you," he said quietly, obviously shy and embarrassed.

"That's kind of funny yknow," I said after a few seconds of silence.

"I know... It was stupid, I shouldn't of-"

"No, it's funny because I couldn't ever stop thinking about that either," I smiled, as I slowly leaned in and met him halfway into a kiss that would blow me away.

It was nothing like if experienced before. I guess kissing someone you love is different.

"I hope you know I've been looking forward to that for a long time," he murmured, as we pulled away.

"As have I. I have to go Kurt. I'll be home soon," I smiled, kissing him on the cheek as I walked back into the box, looking at Ian and Jax's dumbfounded expressions.

"You just kissed Kurt Cobain..." Ian said bewildered.

"Uh ya I guess I did," I answered, earning a scoff from Lou. "So umm wanna do some Psycho Killer?"

(Just heard the news David Bowie died... I can't even function... It's no fucking fair)

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