||Don Henley (The Eagles) #3||

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(For _hotelcalifornia76 !! She gave me the idea of doing a one shot around a set of lyrics to tell a story so I'm gonna try it out here! So if you want one of these I could try and make them for ya as well, I don't know how good it's gonna be but I'll try. Enjoy :))

||Niki's POV||

One of these nights
One of these crazy old nights
We're gonna find out
Pretty mama
What turns on your lights

It was another one of those nights where all I wanted to do was drink away my sorrows and maybe find some company. It was the same for Don as well. And somehow two broken souls ended up at that same bar, sitting right next to each other, both drinking Bourbon.

I don't know if it was the way I moved or if I asked the bartender for another drink too loudly but something caused that man, Don Henley, to be able to not take his eyes off of me. He seemed infatuated with me or the whole idea of me.

And slowly I became infatuated with the thought of him as well.

The full moon is calling
The fever is high
And the wicked wind whispers
And moans

It must've been at least three in the morning in that crappy old bar with only the smell of alcohol and sex radiating through the whole room. It was hot in there, most people had sweat glistening on their skin.

For three in the morning, the bar was crowded, leaving only about two kinds of people. The horny bastards who don't know what consent is and the lonely people who'd probably fall for their tricks.

It was the middle of October and the trees were turning red, the wind was picking up, and the colder weather had started once again.

Maybe that's why everyone was here... They needed someone to keep them warm.

You got your demons
You got desires
Well, I got a few of my own

A small conversation began when the mysterious man next to me asked me why I was here so late. He seemed genuinely interested and lonely to say the least. He wanted someone to talk to as I did.

As I talked about my problems and he talked about his, I slowly began to get more comfortable with the idea of this, with the idea of him.

He didn't seem like most guys who would brush off your problems for their own or theirs for yours. He seemed genuinely interested in everything and anything I had to say, and I was the same way.

Oo, someone to be kind to in
Between the dark and the light

It felt nice, to find someone to be able to talk to about anything and everything you wanted to. It was funny though... I was feeling this way and I'd met him a half an hour ago.

It seemed as though there was finally someone to care about me and to care about even in the short amount of time we'd known each other. I never thought love at first sight could ever be a really thing.

Oo, coming right behind you
Swear I'm gonna find you
One of these nights

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