||Kirk Hammett (Metallica) #2||

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(For Apatheia_101 :) sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy! And also great idea for the plot! I really like it. Also I finished this about three days before your birthday but I wanted to release it then! Happy birthday girl! I hope you have a really great one, enjoy:))

||Dawn's POV||

I woke up to a ray of sunlight shining into my eyes from the window and the other side of the bed cold. Another year older, another gray hair forming.

Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I looked around the room to see that Kirk wasn't here like he usually was. It was strange to say the least. I knew the guys were in the studio this month but it was my birthday. He said he'd take important days off.

I slowly rose out of bed and stretched, feeling the muscles in my back pop. I felt old. I mean, being in my mid-twenties, of course I wasn't actually but I super felt that way.

I threw on one of Kirk's tshirts and made my way to the living room, where I once again saw nobody. We lived in a small, one bedroom apartment so it wasn't like he could be hiding anywhere else in our space. He was gone.

I stepped into the kitchen, seeing a note taped onto the coffee pot, where fresh coffee sat waiting for me like every other morning.

"Sorry I didn't wake you up babe. You were sleeping so soundly, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'll be at the studio all day today for the album. Have a good day, I love you :) -Kirk"

Crumpling the piece of paper in my hand, I felt the corners of my eyes become a bit teary. Three years together and he had no idea. Three years and he forgot my birthday. I couldn't believe it.

I was hurt but I didn't think that this kind of thing would ever happen. Kirk seemed like the type of person, who'd you tell something and they'd never forget, and usually he was but I guess not today.

I threw the paper ball on the counter and took a small breath before picking up the coffee pot and pouring myself a cup. What was so special about today anyways? I was only turning 23, no one likes you at that age, and obviously Kirk didn't either.

With all the courage and confidence I had left, I quickly walked to our room and got dressed. Maybe if I showed up at the studio, he'd remember. Maybe he did and he was throwing me a surprise party... I doubted it.

Slipping on my Chuck Taylor's and throwing my hair into a messy ponytail, I grabbed my keys and hopped in my Impala, heading to where my boyfriend was.

The drive wasn't long, just stressful and downright depressing. Not even my parents had called yet. Was it even my birthday or was I wrong? Nope, April 14th, I was right. Everyone had forgotten.

Pulling into the driveway, I turned off the ignition and jumped out of the car, waiting to confront my boyfriend. I was scared to say the least. I didn't want to freak out on him but it was my birthday. I felt invisible and forgotten.

I walked down the hallway and into their recording room where they all sat, watching Lars record his drum track.

"There's the birthday girl!" James exclaimed, as I quickly looked over to see the sudden fear in Kirk's eyes. I knew it.

"Thanks James," I said quietly before rushing out of the room although still walking. I hadn't been there for a minute and I already wanted to leave. I heard Kirk yell after me but I wasn't up for it right now. I'd fucking known it. I was stupid to think it'd be remembered, but James knew it. It didn't help that he'd been my friend for almost fifteen year though.

Shuffling into the parking lot, I heard the doors slam behind me as Kirk rushed out.

"Dawn, I'm so fucking sorry.. I-"

"No.. Just don't. I would've thought three years would've been enough to memorize though, don't you think?" I murmured, feeling a wetness surround my eyes.

"You know that with the music and the band that I forgot stuff sometimes!"

"You never forgot if you have a meeting or that guy you met at the bar when you guys went on that Wednesday seven months ago. But it's fine. I didn't even want to celebrate anyways."

With that I got into my car, looking out of the corner of my eye to see Kirk storming back through the doors of the studio. He was probably just as angry as I was if not more.

I didn't even want to go back home, I couldn't. I didn't want to be at the place were I woke up alone. Remembering my spot I usually went to to think, I made a U-turn and drove to the river. It wasn't actually a river, just a sewer junction that had flowing water but the river sounded nicer.

I knew that Kirk had knowledge of this place, but I didn't know if he'd actually show up. Half of me wanted him to and the other didn't.

Pulling up to the fence that blocked it off from the rest of the outside road, I got out and slammed the door. I was too angry to do anything gently.

Climbing over the gate, I shuffled down the steep hill to get to my usual spot. I always came here when I needed to calm down even as a kid, but with Kirk in my life, I even thought I'd see that place again. I was wrong.

As I sat at the edge of the riverbank, pouring my feelings into the running water, I heard another car park on the bridge above me. I knew it was him.

Tensing up and becoming more sour by the minute, I just sat there and let him come to me. And when he did, he wasn't himself. He didn't have the rockstar stance, as I call it. He was slouched over a bit and was dragging himself. He was hurting as much as I was. Was I being over-dramatic?

Stomping down the hill, I looked out of the corner of my eye, watching him stare at me in heartbreak. Forgetting my birthday hurt him, but I didn't even know that was possible.

Slowly he sat next to me and what followed was silence until he fumbled with something in his pocket before taking it out.

"Here," he murmured, handing me two small sheets of paper. Airplane tickets... To Paris..

I looked down and up again in shock as I finally allowed myself to stare at him.

"I'm sorry I forgot... I can't believe I did that."


"I didn't know... If you wanna go somewhere else we can... It was the first thing I thought of," he said quietly, while looking at the flowing water.

Things became silent once more until I slowly scooted closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you.."

"I love you."

"I know."

(Here we go! Sorry I couldn't get this up for your birthday faster but yeah! I don't know how good this is but I hope alright! I hope you had an awesome birthday btw :))

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