||Mike Dirnt (Green Day) #2||

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(For mikedirntsfrootloops !! I hope you enjoy and sorry this took so long. Also if anyone can or wants to, would one of you be willing to maybe make a new cover for this book? Mine sucks, which is the one right now but yeah.. DM me if ya want. Enjoy :))

||Taylor's POV||

"Hanging about down the market street, I spent a lot of time on my feet, when I saw some passing yabbos, we did chance to speak," I sang, rather loud and obnoxiously, as I nailed some new posters onto my wall. My wall, one of the four in my room. My room, my own for once.

The word 'my' had seemed foreign to me until Mike's family took me into their care. It was quite a shock when he'd told me that his parents didn't mind me moving into their spare bedroom. Although there were rules like I couldn't go into his bedroom after nine o'clock, I was thankful.

My parents weren't the best people and that was known through Rodeo. They had a reputation of being drunk and violent and it was held very well around the household. Mike knew about it and was always worried about me when I'd have to leave but I'm still here aren't I?

In the last three or so months, Mike's parents had finally spoken up and decided to take me in as their own. Although Mike was my boyfriend and best friend at that, I'd finally felt like I had a real family.

Not only could I just about do everything I wasn't able to before, but I could also do so much more. My room was my own and I could hang up as many posters and painting as I wanted. I could dress however I wanted and I could even go out however long I wanted as long as I checked in with them by the morning. It was a big change and a good one, but I was scared.

"I knew how to sing, y' know an, they knew how to pose, an' one of them had a Les Paul heart attack machine," I continued, until turning around to find Mike in the doorway, smiling at my singing.

"My girl singing the Clash. Nothing can get better than this," he smirked, walking in and putting his arms around my waist. He was a pretty tall guy, way taller than I'd ever be.

"All the young punks, laugh your life, cause there ain't much to cry for," I sang, horribly, before laying my head on his chest, feeling his heart beat. It was slow and soothing just as he was.

"I can't believe your parents are actually letting me live here," I said, while still against his chest, looking at the two of us in the mirror doors of my closet. I'd finally understood what people had meant when they say that they fix perfectly together. The way our bodies stood made us look molded together, like we were becoming one. I liked it.

"Honestly, I can't either but I'm happy you are... Do you know how much sex we can.." he started before I stopped him, making him chuckle.

"Mike Prichard, I'm afraid that's against the rules of this household," I scolded in an authoritative tone.

"Excuse my ignorance," he rolled his eyes, playing along, until he looked down into my eyes that were looking up at him.

"I'm so happy you got away from that place Taylor," he said slowly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, making me blush and look down.

"Thank you Mike.. For everything."

"Of course, you're my girl. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you when you needed it?" he cooed.

"I don't know... A normal one?"

"Well, I'm far from normal dear," he teased, as I sarcastically nodded and walked out of his grip to turn the music down.

"So... What do ya wanna do today?" I asked, sitting down on my bed. My bed.

"I don't know, what do you wanna do today?" He mimicked, sitting down next to me on the mattress.

"What are BJ and Tré doing?"

"I don't know. Probably getting high somewhere," he spoke, watching the small smile I already had on my face turn a lot less innocent. "Taylor, come on now.."

"Hey! I've gotten high with you guys before! It was fun!" I exclaimed, sliding on my Chuck Taylor's that were on the edge of my bed.

"Last time you got high with us, you fell asleep and I had to carry you home," he defended, before starting again. "Like don't get me wrong, I love having your body on mine, hell I crave it, but from Billie's house to here.. Hell no."

"Come on Mikey! I promise I won't fall asleep. I wouldn't even smoke that much I swear," I promised, holding out my pinkie for him to shake.

He gave me a state that said 'Really?' before I made puppy dog eyes at him and he sighed.

"Fine!" He dragged out as I cheered, kissing him on the cheek before standing up.

"I'll be waiting in the car," I said, smiling and walking out the door with him following me.

Getting high with my boyfriend and his friends sure wasn't what I thought I'd be doing three years ago, but look at me now.

(Here we go! Sorry if this is crap, I can't even tell what is and what isn't anymore. I also really wanna go on the GnR tour this summer but I doubt I'll be able to... It's only a dream)

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