||Davy Jones (The Monkees) #1||

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(For MicaTheQueen !! Here's another Monkees one! Daydream Believer is a really good song, honestly forgot that they sung that song. Also can I just say that the Monkees tv show was my childhood but that show was just the fucking best. Also Davy's POV. I hope you enjoy and thanks for requesting :))

||Davy's POV||

How long had it been? Days? Weeks? Months? It'd felt like years. 

I was an idiot and I hated myself for it. I couldn't get over it. I couldn't move on. I loved her and I fucked it up and now she was gone. No goodbye and no time to let my explain. She just left me. She left the house we'd bought together. Because I fucked up. I couldn't forgive myself. I felt like a waste of space.

I knew that I shouldn't have slept with that girl but I was drunk and the pressures of tour made me give in. I wasn't gonna blame it on that though. I was completely my doing and my fault and now she wasn't coming back for me.

I knew that she'd have to come back to the house one day to get all of her stuff but I knew I couldn't be forgiven for what I'd done. I made me feel gross and nauseous. I couldn't think about how much pain I'd probably caused her. It made me want to die if I'm being completely honest. I hated that I cause her to hurt so bad.

I'd already been yelled at by most of her friends over the phone, them telling me what a bad person I was and I always just agreed with them. I felt stupid. I hated myself.

I hadn't been out of my house since. I wasn't sure what day it was or how long it'd been since I'd went outside but I didn't care. I felt like I didn't deserve the sunlight or the heat of the Earth. I felt like I deserved to rot away with no one to care about me because I was careless. 

I was a mess. I hadn't eaten a lot and it was obvious in my physical features now. My cheekbones felt sunken in and my ribs were beginning to be a bit visible from my chest. The guys were worried about me and kept telling me that I needed to forget about her and move on but I couldn't.

She was the one and I fucked up and let her walk away. I should've treated her right and now that she was gone, there was nothing I could do. 

I was laying in bed, not wanting to do anything or talk to anyone when the doorbell suddenly rang. At first, I guessed it to be a salesperson, asking me if I wanted to give twenty bucks a moth to save the trees but then it just kept sounding.

I groaned, getting myself up for once before I walked down the stairs and opened the door, coming face to face with the one I loved.

Her eyes were red and sunken in like mine and she looked skinny, way too skinny. Her nose was running like it was obvious that she'd been crying and she looked like she'd just gone through hell and back. I put her through that.

She was observing my features in shock as well almost like she expected me to not give a shit at all. That was almost what hurt me the worst. That she thought I wouldn't care.

Neither of us spoke for a couple of minutes as we just took in each others presence. It wasn't until she spoke that I realized how much I'd missed her voice.

"I came to get my things."

The words shocked me. I hated hearing that come out of her mouth. She was leaving forever. This was it. I wanted to break down again but she was right there and I had no right to be the one crying. I'd done so much shit to her.


"Davy, don't make it harder than it already is," she begged, as I let her in the house and followed her up the stairs to our room. Not our room anymore.

I couldn't say anything. I hadn't spoken in so long. My voice felt dead. But I had to let her know again.

"Mica, you know I didn't mean it. Please," I pleaded from the doorway as I watched her throw her clothes in a trash bag. I had tears in my eyes for the third time today.

"It doesn't matter if you meant it or not. You did it Davy and I can't.." she told me, her voice cracking up at the end. It was hurting her too. We both knew that we were for each other, soulmates, but it couldn't go on. I mean it could but I couldn't get her too. She was too independent to fall back into someone's arm just because they said they were sorry. It would take a long time before we could even be friends again probably. Or maybe even never at all. "Mica please. I can't do without you. You don't have to love me or forgive me, just be with me," I croaked, watching as she opened another bag for more clothes.

"I can't pretend," she admitted, packing up all the rest of her stuff without saying another word. I knew she'd never come back. I hurt her too bad. And I hated myself for it. 

I didn't see her for a long time after that, years. It took me months to get back in the swing of things but even after, I was never the same again. Any girl I went out with knew that I'd never love them the way I loved her, I told them that. I wasn't ever gonna get my heart to someone else because she still had it and wasn't gonna give it back.

(Here we go! I guess this one is alright. I hope you guys liked it anyways.. I don't want to start school again. I'm already dreading having to do homework and it starts on the 31st. I rather kill myself tbh. Sorry too much. Talk to y'all soon)

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