||David Bowie #1||

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(For batmanbale !! I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry this took so long! I miss David so much, you don't even know... I just hope wherever he is, he's all better. Enjoy :))

||Samantha's POV||

I couldn't believe that I'd let this happen again.

Once again, Anna thought she could just send me on blind dates that would supposedly 'be the one for me'.

I thought it was all a bunch of bullshit as I'd been on at least four of these blind dates and nothing had ever went past that.

I mean they were all nice guys, very sweet, but I wasn't looking for a family man just yet. I was 22 and I just wanted to have fun. Even better, I wanted someone to have fun with. But the way these blind dates were going, I thought I was a goner.

I honestly didn't know why I accepted this last one either. I mean I don't think 'Fifths times a charm' ever actually worked, but I vowed this would be it.

I knew one date wouldn't hurt anybody but my ego, but if this one didn't work, I thought nothing would.

I had to meet the so-called 'David' at one of the nicer restaurants in town in about three hours. Three hours until I gave up on my love life.

I quickly just threw on a nice black dress with some heels that I knew would hurt my feet later. I mean if this was finally gonna be the one to work, I wanted to like decent. Putting on a some very subtle makeup, I sat on the couch and watched TV while I waited for the right time to get going.

I flipped through the channels before finally landing on MTV. It always interested me, the bands and performers they'd find to get on here. I'd learned so much more about music just from me watching it all day.

At the moment, some of the British Invasion bands were of my interest like the Clash and Sex Pistols but there was one artist that stood out to me.

Just the way he looked and acted was different and it was refreshing, seeing someone who was like that. David Bowie, the so-called Starman. He was unbelievable. Even the sexists and homophobes were cool with him because he was fucking David Bowie, and anything he did automatically became cool again.

I sat and sang along to some of the songs that came on until I had to go.

I was nervous to say the least. What if this guy was boring and generic like everyone else. I wanted someone different, someone maybe even flashy, but I also think that my inner crush on Bowie was changing the way I looked at things.

As the restaurant was only a four block walk from my street, I decided to go on foot, almost immediately regretting it the second block in because of my heels.

Fucking blisters, fucking first impressions.

More slowly, I continued walking until I got to the restaurant. It was nice, to say the least. Way too fancy for someone like me but this was probably only a one time thing so why even complain?

I stepped carefully inside the place, looking around as if I'd never seen the inside of one before. It was dark inside but a good dark, almost calming with soft red and purple lights everywhere, giving it an almost sunset type feeling.

"Hi, uhh two for David," I said softly as one of the hostess' took me to the table where the man was already waiting for me. But it wasn't any man.

He was different, the different I'd been looking for, the different I'd seen before. Except he looked strange, I mean not weird but different. Everything about this man was just that.

Instead of the fluffy looking orange hair, a combed back blonde was left in its place, still looking as attractive as ever. His eye were the same blue and green colors, but he seemed a lot more calm than I'd seen him before. I guess the man was just full of surprises.

"Uhh hello. I'm Samantha," I murmured quietly, shaking his hand when he stood to greet me.

"Nice to meet you, love. I'm David," he smiled, pecking the back of my hand like I'd seen in the movies. I didn't even think people did that stuff in real life.

"I know who you are. I'm a big fan of yours... I'm sorry... I don't want this to be weird because I'm a fan and all and..." I started before being cut off by him chuckling. "What?"

"I've known ya for thirty seconds and you're worrying already. I'm absolutely fine with it if you are. Just calm down love. Get to know the actual me," he stated, smiling the same crooked toothed smile I'd seen many times before.

The date went on for maybe three hours with nonstop conversation about everything from the music industry to the first US president... Yeah I'm not sure how we got there either.

After fighting over who was going to pay the bill, David winning, we both stood and walked out into the damp night. Light sprinkles of water feel as we looked at each other in complete silence but it didn't seem that way.

It seemed like our eyes were communicating in the way we stared until I'd snapped out of it.

"Yknow, this is the first date Anna has ever set me up with that actually went well," I laughed softly as David smiled at me.

"Same for me. I'm just glad that she finally picked the right one," he said, as my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked, thinking that maybe I'd heard something wrong. Had he said that I was the one? It was only the first date, but if he felt the connection I did, maybe I wasn't alone.

"Nothing. You blush a lot. It's cute," he chuckled before kissing the top of my head and saying his goodbyes before waking out into the misty drizzle.

I must've stood there in the mist for a good five minutes before I was snapped out of the trance he seemed to put on me.

The real David Bowie was must different than the different guy I'd seen on TV, and more different was a good thing.

It felt weird knowing him and then him performing but I slowly started getting used to the idea once he'd started getting used to the idea of us together.

(Hey! I'm sorry if this sucked, I have so many requested right now and I feel really bad because some people have been waiting for a week or more. I'm so sorry and I promise they'll be out soon. Thanks you guys <3)

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