||Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) #5||

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(For PartyPoison138 !! I'm sorry this took so long but here it is! I love your idea for the plot by the way! I'd also like to dedicate this one to Kurt, who died today in the 1994... The day music died... It's kind of ironic but yeah.. We love you Kurt, more than you will ever know. Enjoy :))

||Meloria's POV||

I hurried along the set of train tracks, trying to get home as fast as I could. I was way past curfew and my dad was gonna kill me, literally.

I'd gone out for a small walk to get some air although it turned into a longer one than I'd expected.

Being a teenager in Aberdeen was troubling to say the least. No one cared about you, if you went to school, what your grades were, how many friends you had. It was all about what were you able to do for this town to make yourself not look like a totally junkie, although that was half the town's population.

There were no fun parts about Aberdeen, other than the part about being able to get away with things. The bars would be empty about this time of the month. The first half, every bar was crowded because paychecks were given out and the last half, no one ever showed up, for there was no more money to spend.

I walked unevenly on the rocks, looking up at the moon and stars. My mom used to say that every star was a person who loved you in the real world, and that you could only see your own stars. At night, I'd always try to stay up and count them, but I never believed it.

Feeling unloved and lonely was just apart of the household now. My mom had passed, leaving my father to raise me, and what a joy that'd been. But it didn't matter. I was alive, wasn't I? Life was a beautiful thing, even if it wasn't the greatest. Some people couldn't deal with the struggle and I understood that. They needed somebody, but they thought they'd never find it.

Stumbling over a broken wooden board on the track, I jumped a bit, looking around to see if anyone saw me, even though it was practically impossible. It was pitch black and the only light around was coming from the moon.

I walked a few more blocks until I noticed the tracks start to rumble. A train was coming, on which side, I didn't know but I walked off of the platform and onto the small path that led on the side of it.

I walked these tracks almost every night but I rarely caught the train. I was always too early to come home, but on some occasions, I caught it. I loved walking next to it when it passed by, feeling the nice breeze that we never seemed to get here.

Stumbling further down the road, I nodded a long figure laying on one of the sets of tracks, the train coming closer.

Squinting, I looked closer at the thing and made it out to be a person.

"Hey!" I yelled to him over the rumbling of the tracks that could be heard coming closer.

Not knowing if he was dead or asleep or died in his sleep, I panicked, trying to figure out something to do as the train got louder.

"Dude! Get up!" I screamed, watching headlights come around the corner. It was coming faster and faster it seemed, as the person still laid there, totally unresponsive.

I shook in fear as the train sped up and crossed right in front of me. I was terrified. I didn't know if the person had been hit or hurt. What the hell were they even doing? Fucking idiot!

After a minute or so, I looked across the tracks at the person, who cursed and sat up. He was on the other set of tracks.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I cried, stomping over the first set of tracks to face the human.

"Fuck off," they muttered, it obviously being a guy, before getting up and walking down the track like nothing had happened.

"You almost got killed! You scared the shit out of me!" I scolded, making him turn around and stare at me with his arms crossed. I knew this guy. "Kurt?"

The man's stance loosened a bit before he looked closer at me, with the minimal light we had. "Meloria? What are you even fucking doing here?"

"Me?! You were trying to get yourself killed!" I had math and science with Kurt and we'd hung out a couple of times, me being friends with one of his. He was a cool kid, but he hid a lot and this must've been one of those things.

"So what?" He spat, obviously not caring about my yelling at him.

"So what?! Kurt, what the hell!"

"Nothing even happened... I knew that it was going on the other track," he lied, starting to walk away again, before I spoke.

"You were gonna kill yourself.." I murmured, staring in disbelief as he turned back around, aggravated.

"You don't know shit, so even if I was, shut up!" He yelled, getting up in my face like I'd egged him on to start a fight.

It was silent for a few seconds and he didn't walk away. We both stood there, looking up at the sky.

"Do you see all of those stars? My momma always told me that every star is a person on Earth that loves and cares for you. Every person has their own set of stars that no one else can see," I murmured, feeling the chill of the air on my face. For the middle of November, it was colder than I expected but it didn't matter.

"That's bullshit," he muttered, blowing off my statement.

"It's not bullshit. Look up there and just say the number of stars you see."

He paused, before speaking. "One."

"That's me. I care about you," I spoke, looking over at him, my vision finally getting used to the dark.

He just stood there uncomfortably, before I looked back down on the dirt floor. "You have so many people who care for you. Don't waste that."

"I said I saw one star," he said, his tone hard as if this was difficult for him, and I bet it was.

"Then you have one person who cares about you," I whispered, taking ahold of his hand that was crossed across his chest. I felt his stiffen under my touch before I lightly squeezed his hand and let go.

"I'll just go," I mumbled, started off home before he suddenly grabbed my hand, stoping me in my tracks.

"What're ya doing tomorrow?" He asked, his voice sounding strained.

"I dunno. Nothing if you need me."

"Yeah, I do." He slowly let go of my hand, letting the warmth that has gone through my body disappear.

"Good night Kurt," I whispered, staring at him in the moonlight. Such a smart person with such a dangerous mind.

(Here we go! Idk about this one but I wanted to finish it in time for his anniversary. God I miss him... My hero.... What's your favorite Nirvana song?)

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