||Glenn Frey (The Eagles) #1||

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(For Catinthedarkness !! Thanks so much for requesting! Sorry this took so long! hope you enjoy.. I also never addressed it on here because I never knew what to say but RIP.. I'm still shocked and still can't even comprehend it sometimes but I hope he's in a way better place now... Enjoy!)

||Syd's POV||

"Glenn, I can't do that.." I murmured, sitting on the couch with my head in my hands.

"We need you. Joe isn't stable enough right now, and you're the only other person who's as good as he is. Syd, I need you. The boys need you."

Glenn and the others were in the middle of their Hotel California tour at the moment and had decided to bring me along. I wasn't a girlfriend or wife or anything, just a sister, a friend who wanted to be more. My older brother, Joe, hadn't been exactly stable or sober lately and had hit an all time low, meaning the only person who could take his place for a show had to be me.

I mean sure, I could play as great as my brother could, but I couldn't go out there, with thousands upon thousands of people watching me. Especially since I knew I'd make a fool of myself, and even just doing that in front of Glenn would be a million times worse than it would be on stage.

I'd liked him for a long time now, a really long time, but I was just the band mates sister. The one who followed them around like a groupie but was never forgotten and was always looked after.

I was a kid and they were like my older brothers. Maybe that's why it felt so wrong to love him, or even say no to him.

"If they're expecting Joe and then they see me, it'll be anarchy! I don't exactly look like him... Or am a guy in the first place," I stated, stilling looking at my shoes and the tour bus floor as I felt the couch sink next to me.

"Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you can't do the shit your brother does. You're just as good as he is. You know all the songs..." He tried persuading me.

"Ask Don, I can't do this," I muttered, my voice leaking with anxiety as I stood, only to be pulled back by Frey.

"You do realize that mistakes are okay right?"

"Not all the time, they aren't. Especially when I'm being an idiot in front of a million people. Especially when I'm making a fool of myself in front of you," I argued, trying not to freak after what I accidentally said.

"You really think me and the guys care what mistakes you make?" He countered, rubbing off the comment I made, but I was done hiding. I'd finally said it. I didn't want to wait any longer.

"I don't care what the guys think. I care about what you think.." I murmured, walking out of the tour bus into cold Ohio evening. That's were they were playing this week, and damn were their sunsets something special. Countryside and nothing else where we were. Just the sky and trees and maybe a huge stadium right next to us, but I blocked that out.

It was so peaceful. It seemed to help me breathe a bit, getting a better feeling about things, an easier one.

I stood looking at the dim lit sky for a bit until I heard the door to the bus open and close, followed by the snapping on twigs and branches on the ground as he walked to me.

If he was going to tell me to go home, I was fine with that. Sure, I didn't have a way to get there, but staying in Ohio with these sights didn't seem like such a bad idea.

"You know I'm not gonna judge you for anything you do. You're a human being and you fuck up," Glenn spoke up after catching the view I'd been staring at. "I'd never hold that against you.."

"That's different than having constant anxiety over it. People have thoughts that they don't always share. You can (sorry for the interruption but I typed can and CENA autocorrected from that and I thought that was really funny sorry okay bye) see what they think. It's all body language."

"What do I say by doing this than?" He murmured, wrapping his arm around the small of my back and pulling me towards him so our noses were touching.

"That you don't think about what you do before you do it.." I whispered, looking down to see his seemingly perfect lips only inches from mine.

"I've thought for long enough." And with that, I was pulled in closer. I'd finally known what it was like to be loved back. I mean sure, the guys had said they loved me but never like this. This kind of love was different. This kind of love was forever.

"You have no idea how much shit I'm gonna get for that," he chuckled, after pulling away thought we were still holding each other in the cold February wind. "But you know what... It was so worth it."

(Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed. Once again, feeling totally self-conscious about my writing but what can I do???? Anyways umm yeahhhhhh uhhhh what's your top three favorite bands vvvv)

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