||Mike Nesmith (The Monkees) #1||

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(For MicaTheQueen !! I almost have all of your one shots finished! Just one more after this! Thanks for requesting them although I know it took fucking forever. I'm so sorry about that but I hope that you enjoy them. :))

||Michaela's POV||

I walked into work that day thinking that it would be like all the others. People would come in for snacks in the morning and treats at night for dessert but having to make a cake for an anniversary wasn't usually a daily thing. It was fun when new things like that came along to do. It was refreshing.

The shop had gotten a call early that morning, saying that they needed and anniversary cake made out to a 'Kathryn'. The man on the phone sounded really excited to surprise his girlfriend I had guessed. It was cute I thought, how he went on about her when I asked details about how he wanted it to be. He seemed really in love.

I spend my morning working on that cake, making sure that it was perfect for the happy couple. It would've been such a shame if something were to go wrong on a special day like this for them. I bet that she'd be shocked that he actually remembered.

It was apparently a six month milestone which didn't seem like much but I could tell by the way in the man's voice that he was very much in love.

The bakery was a family owned business. My grandparents came over from Italy and opened it up in the early 1930s and it had been passed down all the way to me. The place was my baby and I wouldn't give it up for anything. My dad made me promise that to before he passed. It was the only thing I had left of him and I, for sure, was not letting it go.

After a good two and a half hours of baking and decorating, it was finally finished and just in time too. I was in the back kitchen when I heard the chimes sound, meaning someone had come in.

"Just a second!" I called out, putting the cake in a carryout box for the customer. I brought it out with me so I could have it near when the man showed up but the guy standing in the doorway almost made me lose my breath and drop the cake.

He was one of the most attractive guys I'd ever seen. He had on this green beanie and I could tell without even seeing it that this guy's smile could light up a room.

I carefully set down the cake on the rack behind me as I stood behind the counter, waiting for him to order.

"Good afternoon, I called for a cake this morning. It's for my-"

"Anniversary.. Yes, of course. Congrats," I acknowledged, trying to hide the disappointment on my face. Of course a guy like him would have a girl. Not to mention, I knew he was a sweet guy now since I talked to him on the phone.

I turned back around and grabbed the cake and set it on the counter in front of him.

"Ah thank you so much. How much?" he asked, reaching for the wallet in his back pocket.

"Don't sweat it. Consider it an early wedding gift," I joked, waving his dollars off. If I could flirt with him, I could at least be nice. The business would be alright without the forty bucks.

He chuckled, staring at me smiling for a second before he snapped out of it and took the cake in his hands. "I really appreciate it. Thank you."

"Anytime," I smiled, waving him a goodbye as he walked out of the shop, making the bell sound again.

For the rest of the day, I couldn't get that guy off of my mind. There was something about him that made he feel like he loved too much but got nothing in return. It was almost a little saddening. He seemed so innocent. I just hoped that the girl he was with really appreciated what he did for her. Hell, if a boy did that for me, I wouldn't let him go.

It was currently ten at night and I was cleaning the glass casings and counter for the morning when I heard the bell sound.

"I'm sorry, we're closed," I said, without looking back until I heard him speak. What was he doing back here?

"I came to pay you back for that cake," I heard the same voice from earlier say before I turned around to look at him. His eyes were red like he'd been crying and his voice was so much smaller than it was earlier.

"I said it was an early wedding present. Don't sweat it," I told him, wondering why he'd been crying or if he had allergies.

"There's never gonna be a wedding. Just take this," he said a bit angry, throwing three twenties on the counter in front of the register. Did they break up on their anniversary? No way.

"I don't feel right taking your money when you're down like that... Wanna tell me what happened? I may be a baker but I'm a good listener," I told him softly, not wanting to make him mad since I wasn't sure what triggered him yet.

He nodded before I pulled off my apron and hung it up, stepping out from behind the counter and leading him to an empty table.

"You hungry? There's plenty of leftovers and I can't eat them all," I asked him, before taking a seat in front of him.

"I got a whole cake to myself. I think I'll be alright," he joked a little bit although I could tell that he wasn't ready to make jokes yet. I usually wouldn't do something like this but there was something about the man that attracted me to him. I wasn't gonna go for him while he was down but I really did want to help him for he seemed miserable.

"So what happened?"

"Well after I picked up the cake, I drove straight to her house to surprise her yknow. Got there, opened the door to surprise her, and found her fucking some stupid college frat boy on the table... God, I was so fucking stupid," he sighed, rubbing his face in his hands before I slowly scooted my chair over to rub his back. Poor guy.

"It obvious you're too good for her. She doesn't deserve someone like you," I told him truthfully, making him look up at me with a look I could read.

I was about to ask him what he was staring for until I was cut off by his lips on mine. I was shocked but it felt so nice at the same time. After a couple of seconds or so, he pulled away and looked at me again, as I blushed and laughed nervously.

"I know it's probably the wrong time to make things awkward but I never got your name," I admitted, making him laugh and look at his watch.

"I'm Michael but you can call me Mike. It's getting late. May I walk you home?" he questioned, before offering me his hand to stand me up. He seemed so much lively already. Like nothing had happened today. It was a little strange.

I agreed and locked up shop while he waiting on the sidewalk outsider.

"I gotta say," I giggled as we made our way to my flat. "You sure got over your situation quickly."

"Because it was just another step to get where I was going."

"And where was that?"

"Wherever you were."

(Here we go! I hate proof reading these because I get sidetracked really easily so if there's a bunch of mistakes, I apologize. I kind of liked this one so yeah. Talk to y'all soon.)

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