||Tré Cool (Green Day) #3||

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(For PoprocksAndCocaine !! Aww my baby! Tré is my favorite member by far. He's just so fucking adorable and ahhhh. I could talk about him all day, 24/7. So yeah and sorry this took so long! Enjoy :))

||Grace's POV||

My head felt like it weighed a thousand pounds when I woke up, finding myself on a trampoline in the backyard of Mike's house. Album release parties were something man.

I slowly sat up, my eyes squinting from the bright sun. I felt dead but I was pretty used to it.

Looking around, I saw people throughout the backyard, passed out. There was even one on a raft in the pool. Luckily he didn't drown, what a lawsuit we'd have on our hands.

I guessed that the boys were probably inside somewhere, and I slowly got up to check, feeling the wobble of my legs not helping with the bounciness of the floor I stood on.

Climbing out of the small entrance hole, (I laughed at that...god I swear I'm like 12) I looked down, finding myself in some really tight booty shorts and a cut-up band tee. I had no idea where those shorts came from, but I had a fucking wedgie and it was uncomfortable.

I walked to the sliding glass doors and peeked inside to see bodies everywhere, once again passed out, and Mike and some chick on the couch. Let's just say they had no clothes on and I had a feeling what'd gone down. Pushing the door open, I hobbled inside and went searching through cabinets until I found some Advil. Tré would need some too and coffee... Where even was he?

I dry swallowed the pills and went to turn on the coffee pot. The directions were blurred as I pressed random buttons until I heard the machine come to life.

The smell of alcohol and weed was present even still and nobody seemed to be waking up anytime soon. Even now, I didn't feel completely sober and with what looked like to be Dave Grohl laying face first in the carpet with a bottle of Jack in his hand, I didn't know if I wanted to.

I was living the rockstar life without having to do anything besides be friends with Green Day. I mean I wasn't using them, this just came with the package and I wasn't disappointed.

I lifted myself onto the counter, looking over at all the people scattered across the room, trying to avoid Mike of course. Although I was very impressed with what I was seeing. Good for the slut next to him.

I heard a crash from upstairs and waited for him to come down. It was obviously Tré, he broke everything, but I did too so I could say anything.

I didn't remember anything that had happened last night just flashing colors and Tré's face. My body still felt numb and I couldn't even feel my toes. My stomach felt like I was being stabbed and my head was still spinning. I love alcohol but damn, was it even really worth it?

Hungover footsteps were heard coming down the stairs before Tré came out from around the corner and looked around, finally catching his eyes on me.

"I don't remember drinking hurting this bad," he mumbled, sitting at the table close to where I was. I chuckled as much as I could without it hurting and lowered myself to the floor, feeling a wave of dizziness hit me.

"Here," I murmured, picking up the bottle of pills and setting it done next to him before pulling out a chair. "Everything is spinning."

"Consequences from having fun I suppose," he grunted, taking a pill from the bottle and swallowing it as I had. "Where'd you end up?"

"On the trampoline... Did I pass out there or something?"

"I don't know. I think I hit it before you did. I ended up in the tub," he muttered, rubbing his back, making my laugh a little.

"Poor baby," I cooed, laying my chin on his arm that was laid across the table. "I'm dead."

"Poor baby," he mimicked, sticking his bottom lip over before leaning down to give me a gentle kiss.

"You taste like Coors," I pretend gagged, making him laugh.

"Whatever, you taste like Corona. At least I drink a mans beer."

"Fuck you, it's good," I smirked, both of us looking over when Mike rolled over in his sleep, giving us a direct view of Lil' Mike.

"Fuck great," I giggled.

"Ehh mines better," he said after a while of staring. "But you'd know that."

The coffee pot stopped brewing, making me sigh as I got up dozily to get some.

"Want some babe?"

"Yeah, thanks," he said, rubbing his head before I brought him a cup. "Thanks baby... Oh shit..."

He stared at my hand that was grasping the coffee cup almost like one of my fingers was cut off.

"What? Is there a spider of the cup?" I asked, a setting down the cup before I freaked and checked me hand all over to find a ring on my finger. An engagement ring.

"Is that... Holy shit! Did I... Am I fucking marred to someone!?" I panicked, feeling the thumping in my head get worse and my breathing become faster. I couldn't have right? I'm with Tré, I can't be married to someone else... That's cheating! I don't cheat.

I ripped the ring off my finger and threw it onto the table where it landed right in front of Tré, who had an embarrassed look on his face.

"Do you remember this?! What the hell happened?!" I cried, watching him as he picked up the ring. "Tré, I don't remember anything. God, I'm such a fuck up.."

"No, I am," he sighed, placing the ring back down on the table. "The ring was mine. I just had it... I didn't know that I was gonna yknow... Propose to you last night but I did.. I'm fucking sorry Grace. Shit.." He muttered, making my face turn completely red. If it was him then..

"Hey... I never said I didn't want to marry ya.." I murmured, looking at him as he raised his head off the table to look at me. I had tears in my eyes, both from being frightened and excited.

"You're serious?"

I nodded, wiping a tear from my face before I rushed over to him, well as fast as I could hungover, and kissed him hard, being pulled into his lap.

"I'd hate it to be anyone else," I laughed, kissing him again before I heard the couch move behind us.

"Hey, what the fuck happened?"

"Put on some pants, Mike," Tré told me before continuing to kiss me.

I didn't know if we were still a little drunk then or what happened but it was a really good fucking decision. I've never regretted a thing, except for that hangover.

(Here we go! I kinda like this one idk.. I keep getting images of Katy Perrys TGIF song or whatever and I don't know why like I didn't even listen to that shit wtf... But yeah talk to ya soon :))

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